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Question MBA vs. CFA

Sorry, I'm still at work and needed a lift.

I get a lot of questions about MBA: its value, how to get into a top program, whether it beats a CFA. Too many people forget however to round out their entire profile. This includes demonstration of a ability to manage one's own finances.

Think about it. You're reading this forum because you want a job in finance: you want people to pay you to manage their money. But they won't do that if your own financial house isn't in order.

So while you're hanging out at gmatclub, don't forget the occasional time out from studying to pay attention to maintaining your payment schedules, reducing credit card balances, and frequently checking your credit report for errors.

Remember: FICO > GMAT.


DarienHacker - I think this is an important key that many people look over. I have my thread on importance of MBA with CFA in this same forum. I am having a hard time justifying a major MBA that costs upwards of $100k and above.

While I am sure it pays off in the long run, I wonder if its just as good to focus that much time, effort, and money on an MBA when you could be using it to better yourself at your current position and working on networks there. I work for a major corporation and I know that the several guys immediately above me (I can think of the next four guys) either don't have their MBA, or got it after landing their current positions.

I haven't looked to much into financing an MBA, but this money people seem to throw at MBAs is crazy, in my eyes. For example, if you manage to finance at 5% over 20 years, a $100k MBA loan is $650+ a month.


Totally depends if you need an MBA to get where you are going. If you don't need it, take that same money and invest in a rental property, slowly broaden your base and pretty soon you're independently wealthy. It's really just cash flow and making sure you are working with somebody who knows the market and hopefully has some experience.


Lift and separate?


Everyone realizes he was joking, right? .....Right?


I have spoken to everyone and, yes, they do.


brain_wash_your_face Wrote:
> I have spoken to everyone and, yes, they do.

Did you talk with Dick Childs? He may have missed the memo.


I think this is the first time this has ever been brought up on this forum......


Danny Boy Wrote:
> brain_wash_your_face Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I have spoken to everyone and, yes, they do.
> Did you talk with Dick Childs? He may have missed
> the memo.

Wow, is there a comedy routine of yours I can watch on Netflix? That is INCREDIBLY original material there.

Apologies for being new on here and missing the joke line. Feel free to laugh away at myself and 'Danny Boy's' roasting of me.

