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发表于 2011-10-6 00:32
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mp2438 Wrote:
> ssf, but by using the given P/E rations in your
> preliminary screenings, aren't you filtering out
> potentially valuable (or looking at it from the
> other end of the spectrum, worthless) stocks that
> do/don't make it into your initial list of stocks
> to review?
You are 100% correct. That would be why this type of screen is only one of several methods we use to find ideas. Screening by P/E is certainly valid as a starting point, but so are lots of other things. The reason we use several different screens is exactly what you said - some screens will mistakenly omit stocks we would rather look at. Some will retain stocks we have no interest in. By using a couple of different screens and different methods (some of which don't start with screens), hopefully we don't exclude too much of the investment universe, but we hopefully *do* make a little progress in determining what sectors and companies are starting to get 'cheap' by a number of metrics.
Any one ratio won't be enough to form a judgement about a company, but if a company appears cheap by a good number of metrics, then it's probably starting to hit the "could be interesting" area of valuation that means we should start researching the situation.
There are some very valid and interesting value investment strategies that unfortunately nothing in a screen could detect. For example, if a company carries land or an investment on the books at cost, and the owned land or company is worth well in excess of carrying value, then that's a hidden asset. Screens won't turn this up, but if you can find these types of companies, they are generally excellent opportunities.
Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.
-qqqbee |