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Hey guys,

so everyone in this forum emphasizes the importance of NETWORK for getting ur foot in the industry.

can you guys plz suggest few strategies for poor B.comm grad with cfa level 1?

i have no financial industry experience and my gpa is somewhat mediocre from top university in Canada.

i am super passionate about finance but was not lucky enuf (or didn't work hard enuf) to get any internship or relevant work experience

any help is always appreciated

thanks in advance

enuf is enuf dotamasta


You can always tell when someone has a degree in communications...


Capital letters appreciated as well


No capitalization, poor grammar, and poor punctuation.......you got off to a great start on this website.


super passionate about finance is not enuff you need to be mega super ultra passionate.................................networking is something that should happen organically or else its simply stiff and awkward............for example you can give back by volunteering to mentor inner city youth, you will feel better about yourself and at the same time meet people...................networking is just simply about meeting people in various settings so that the next time you need something from them they recall meeting you previously ( hopefully with a good recollection)


Stocks & Blondes Wrote:
> No capitalization, poor grammar, and poor
> punctuation.......you got off to a great start on
> this website.

And here I thought this was a finance board. Turns out it is the grammar police...




Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 02:00PM by CFA Jay.


i wld chk ur twnz cfa chptr n c if they hav ne evntz comn up




"Without American production the United Nations could never have won the war."
-Joseph Stalin, Tehran Conference: 1943


True Wrote:
> i wld chk ur twnz cfa chptr n c if they hav ne
> evntz comn up

fa shizzle


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