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Today is the day market start to crack?

As a reaction to the impasse of the debt talk?




It obviously is cracking.



The repubs can't even support a repub bill that the democrats don't even like. this worries me much more than yesterday...


Happy I got out yesterday. I basically did my scenario analysis and came to the conclusion that all scenarios are bad for stocks, and there is no way the market is panicked enough to have already discounted it.


I'm buying today. A lot.

Hopefully don't lose my shirt.


Oh Dwight, the risks are so much to the downside right now. There may be a pop on an 11th hour agreement, but you should sell right thereafter.

Whatever you do, limit your downside. A collar is appropriate here.


Just did a refresh perusal of "Margin of Safety" and reminded myself that sometimes the best investment decision is to do nothing and stand on the sidelines with your cash in your pockets (and enjoy the ride if you own Swiss francs)


am on board with bchadwick's suggestion re: collars


Something will get passed. As dumb as DC is to dangle the economy over a fire, the little sense they have will pull it back before it gets burned. I'm getting long


I lowered my equity exposure today by about 15-20 percent, starting with my financials. I should have done it yesterday, but oh well. At least I got rid of my Apple call options 2 days ago before it dropped $10 per share today.

There is always tomorrow, Friday, or Monday to get long if it looks like the right thing to do.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 04:09PM by krazykanuck.

