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Business Plan for Port Management Interview

I have an interview next week for a position of a trainee portfolio manager.

I have been asked to prepare a business plan by this Friday in preparation for the interview.

The business plan asks me to focus on "how I plan to grow the business and what value I will bring to the role of Trainee Portfolio Manager." It's target length is 2-3 pages.

Has anybody on here completed a request such as this for a job before?

If so, what advice would you have for me in terms of putting this together?

I'm mainly concerned with format primarily and what sort of headings, presentation method I should be completing for it.

Any advice gratefully received.

Weird, a portfolio manager's role is not really to "grow the business", other than organically via good performance in their primary duties.

(The portfolio manager's main duty is to define an investment strategy, to manage analysts/researchers and traders in implementing that strategy, and to take intelligent risks and execute them efficiently -- maximizing return and minimizing variance for a given risk appetite.)

Growing the business, i.e. raising capital/increasing AUM, is largely the role of Investor Relations.

Are you sure this job is in asset management?


Any position that has anything to do with "growing a business" is a sales position. It has nothing to do with asset management.

Maybe you're interviewing for institutional sales (an external wholesaler position)?


justin88 Wrote:
> Weird, a portfolio manager's role is not really to
> "grow the business", other than organically via
> good performance in their primary duties.
> (The portfolio manager's main duty is to define an
> investment strategy, to manage
> analysts/researchers and traders in implementing
> that strategy, and to take intelligent risks and
> execute them efficiently -- maximizing return and
> minimizing variance for a given risk appetite.)
> Growing the business, i.e. raising
> capital/increasing AUM, is largely the role of
> Investor Relations.
> Are you sure this job is in asset management?

What Justin88 said. This job may have the title of trainee portfolio manager, but the way you just described it - and based on the interview format - this PM is looking for a marketing person.

Maybe by "grow the business" he means looking for new opportunities for funds? I.e. this is a smid-cap fund, and you come back to him with the idea for a smid-cap international fund? I dunno, can you show us the posting or part of the posting that was advertised?

Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.


Sounds like being a salesperson and being asked to find new clients, but trying to attract people by hinting that you will be doing portfolio management.

However, for a small private wealth manager targeting mass affluent retail customers, you'd probably have to do some of each anyway.


Sorry just read the first line of your post. So you have the interview, well done. Now get cracking!


Thanks for that. That's very helpful.



