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Consider that $35 billion face value of Treasury bills will be auctioned off .Noncompetitive bids are submitted for $5 billion face value of bills.Competitice bids ,which must specify price (yield) and face value amount ,are shown in Figure 10.Note that a bid with a higher quoted yield is actually a bid at a lower price.
discount rate          face value          cumulative face value
0.1081                        3                               3
0.1090                        12                            15
0.1098                         8                             23
0.1104                        5                              28
0.1117                        8                              36
0.1124                        7                              36
Because th total face value of bills offered is $35 billion and there are non-competitve bids for $5 billion ,we must select a minimum yield(maximum price) for wich $30 billion face value of bills can be sold to ehose making competitive bids .At a dischount of 0.1104%,$28 billion can be sold to competitive bidders but that would leave 35-5-28=$2 billion unsold.At a slightly higher yield of 0.1117%, more than $30 billion of bills can be sold to competitive bidders.
The single price for the auction is a discount of 0.1117%.All bidders that bid at lower yields(higher prices) will get all the bills they bid for($28 billion);the non-competitive bidders will get $5 billion of bills as expected.The remaining $2 billion in bills go the bidders who bid a discount of 0.1117%.Since there are bids for $8 billion in bills at the discount of 0.1117%,and only $2 billion unsold at a yield of 0.1104%,each bidder receives 2/8 of the face amout of bills they bid for.



这个很简单啊 似乎。
就是美国财政部卖国债, 是投行来竞标购买的。每个投行出价-也就是discount rate来表示, 1104以下的, 也就是出价高的可以买到28个billion,加上non-competitive的5个billion, 总共33B 就卖完了, 但是财政部总共发35B, 还剩下2B, 这些卖给出价稍低的那些投行。 但是出价在下一档1117的, 总共要购买8B, 所以不能全满足, 因此每个投行只能买到他们要求认购的四分之一(2除以8=四分之一),出价再低的1124那一档的投行, 不好意思, 买不到了。

