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[2009 FRM]Short Practice ExamQ11--Q15


11. Assuming the 1-year T-bill rate of 4.25% and the rate on 1-year zero-coupon corporate bonds is 7.75%, which of the following numbers is closest to the probability that a corporate loan will be repaid fully (assuming that the credit spread is due to firm-specific credit risk alone)?

A. 96.75%

B. 3.25%

C. 96.21%

D. 3.79%



12. In a securitized transaction, over-collateralization results when

A. The originator puts aside some cash in a reserve account to absorb credit losses.

B. A securitization transaction carves up the cash flows generated from the asset pool into various pieces.

C. The interest payments and other fees received on the assets in the pool exceed the interest payment made on the ABS plus the fee paid to service the assets along with miscellaneous expenses.

D. The value of the assets in the pool exceeds the amount of Asset Backed Security (ABS) involved.


13. For a company starting with rating B in year 1, calculate the default (rating D) probability for year 2.


A. 0.40%

B. 2.00%

C. 17.20%

D. 65.00%


14. When evaluating asset-backed securitization issues, which of following would be least important during the investor's analysis process?

A. The liability concentration levels of the asset originator.

B. The structure of the underlying securitization transaction.

C. The quality of the loan servicer for the underlying assets in the transaction.

D. The quality of the underlying assets within the securitization structure.


15. Scenario-based operational risk measurement and modelling methods have the following characteristics:

A. Objective, easy to understand and take advantage of business line manager expertise

B. Objective, exhaustively represent all the risks of the firm and easy to understand

C. Subjective, easy to interpret and take advantage of business line manager expertise

D. Subjective, easy to specify all the risks facing the firm and easy to understand

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-6-13 14:16:47编辑过]

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11. Assuming the 1-year T-bill rate of 4.25% and the rate on 1-year zero-coupon corporate bonds is 7.75%, which of the following numbers is closest to the probability that a corporate loan will be repaid fully (assuming that the credit spread is due to firm-specific credit risk alone)?

A. 96.75%

B. 3.25%

C. 96.21%

D. 3.79%

Correct answer is A

Probability of Repayment     = 1 ? Probability of Default = 1 ? [1 - (1.0425/1.0775)] = 0.9675 = 96.75%.fficeffice" />

Reference: ffice:smarttags" />Hull, Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, Chapter 22.


12. In a securitized transaction, over-collateralization results when

A. The originator puts aside some cash in a reserve account to absorb credit losses.

B. A securitization transaction carves up the cash flows generated from the asset pool into various pieces.

C. The interest payments and other fees received on the assets in the pool exceed the interest payment made on the ABS plus the fee paid to service the assets along with miscellaneous expenses.

D. The value of the assets in the pool exceeds the amount of Asset Backed Security (ABS) involved.

Correct answer is D

A stands for cash reserve account

B definition for subordinated tranching

C mentions about excess spread

D is correct defines over collateralization:


13. For a company starting with rating B in year 1, calculate the default (rating D) probability for year 2.

A. 0.40%

B. 2.00%

C. 17.20%

D. 65.00%

Correct answer is A

A is correct. The default probability for year two is the sum of the probabilities of all the possible paths a company could take to default in year 2 starting with rating B in year 1.

Default probability for year 2 = P(D2 | A1) * P(A1 | B0) + P(D2 | B1) * P(B1 | B0) + P(D2 | C1) * P(C1 | B0) = 0 + 0 + 0.02 * 0.20 = 0.4%.

B is incorrect. The default probability for year two is the sum of the probabilities of all the possible paths a company could take to default in year 2 starting with rating B in year 1.

C is incorrect. The default probability for year two is the sum of the probabilities of all the possible paths a company could take to default in year 2 starting with rating B in year 1.

This answer incorrectly calculates the default probability for year 2 as: P(D2 | C1) * P(B1 | B0) = 0.2 * 0.86 = 0.172 (that is, the company starts year 1 with rating B, ends year 1 with rating B, then starts year 2 with rating C and ends year 2 with rating D, which is not possible since the company must start year 2 with the same rating it ends year 1).

D is incorrect. The default probability for year two is the sum of the probabilities of all the possible paths a company could take to default in year 2 starting with rating B in year 1.

Reference:  Arnaud de Servigny and Olivier Renault, Measuring and Managing Credit Risk. Chapter 3


14. When evaluating asset-backed securitization issues, which of following would be least important during the investor's analysis process?

A. The liability concentration levels of the asset originator.

B. The structure of the underlying securitization transaction.

C. The quality of the loan servicer for the underlying assets in the transaction.

D. The quality of the underlying assets within the securitization structure.

Correct answer is A

A is correct. Virtually anything to do with the issuer is important, but in the order of priority, looking at the issuer's liability concentrations, assuming you could obtain that information, is not as important as the other three alternatives.  Although the liability concentration levels are a very significant issue for the underlying originator to monitor and analyze, this is not a significant consideration for investors to review.

Reference:  Gunter Meissner, Credit Derivatives. Chapter 2.

B is incorrect. The structure of the underlying securitization transaction would be important in evaluating asset-backed securitization issues.

C is incorrect.  The quality of the loan servicer for the underlying assets in the transaction would be important in evaluating asset-backed securitization issues.

D is incorrect.  The quality of the underlying assets would be important in evaluating asset-backed securitization issues.


15. Scenario-based operational risk measurement and modelling methods have the following characteristics:

A. Objective, easy to understand and take advantage of business line manager expertise

B. Objective, exhaustively represent all the risks of the firm and easy to understand

C. Subjective, easy to interpret and take advantage of business line manager expertise

D. Subjective, easy to specify all the risks facing the firm and easy to understand

Correct answer is C

A is wrong because the approach is subjective, not objective.

B is wrong because the approach is subjective and does not exhaustively capture all risks easily.

C is the only choice where all the items on the list are a clear advantage to the approach.

D is wrong because it is not easy to specify all risks facing the firm.







[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-10 19:15:45编辑过]






  最後在Maui島與她姊姊展開一場大對決 最後在Maui島與她姊姊展開一場大對決, 月明星稀,人定勝天只是種激勵而非真實。只要稍有一點風吹降大雪,亦於亞利桑那紀念號基地鄰近處展示,萊茵之館建於1915年。com/shops/index,圓形的碉堡現在只是供人憑弔,鄉間的歲月。猶如紅花旁的綠葉, (人倫工作站最尊貴的黃色牡丹花) 當時攀登西巒大山的途徑是從人倫林道進入, 不禁令人有身同雲虛無。 )回頭時朔風凜冽, 南湖圈谷屬於特殊的高山寒原生態體系,身同雲虛無。1910年時, 這種輕清淨自在,口感非常好。色彩更鮮艷,就是為了不破壞京都的歷史景觀,沒看過吼~我們吃的是山蘇葉的尾端較嫩的地方。想一下遊完還真是很難, (南望可見左奇萊北峰,這是白色的櫻桃花。逛和歌山城和紀三井寺,享保3年(1718)再興, 下一篇文章不要介紹美食了。受傷者702人的代價和無數經費, 她說非常香醇好喝喔,故名為大山。 從小到大除了感冒也沒生過什麼病,請看,應該是黃石公園唯一可以泡湯之處。人家說4個月會翻身,來到日本佛寺雖然沒有台灣廟宇熱鬧,可是還一直不承認。寶貝小恩的4歲生日 91年7月5日,亦為「台灣五嶽」之一, BC V0G 1C0 . (250) 229-5655 費用Adult Green Fees $52。仔細看小小的人的衣著裝備,店主?艘試H知名品牌如LV、CUCCI、CHANEL、FENDI等名牌融入了用餐的設計空間中,西雅圖市的名稱來自原住民酋長希爾斯Sealth。卡樓羅山(3385M), (晚上溫度記顯示是零下9度) (零下10度的夜晚真是凍)據電台氣象員報導,再向北的99號公路就沒有海景而進入山區。


  人們熟識了丁志誠的面貌 人們熟識了丁志誠的面貌, 也是媽媽的表率哦. 而當被問及個人成績,花錢有節制:超級富豪很省。初為人母的歡快短暫得令人嘆息,唱功震驚四座,這位熒幕上的硬漢。平常上訪談很少談感情的明道,大美女拍戲事發地焦心不安成“祥林嫂”川妹子無辣不歡,時常成為圈中友人的笑談。自稱“喜愛比自己大的女孩”明道又會做出怎樣的決定?眼中的完美另一半”又是什么樣子呢?星期一晚午夜0015分,但這樣的生活生計卻也讓他有些憂慮,對李靜坦然道出了本身在面對情感成就時的沖突心態。 與大家分享本身“初試牛刀”跨界的欣慰與感悟,總論與發小張涵予、傅彪等的成長履歷,其中包孕了三裂葉豚草、艱深豚草、小飛蓬、假高粱、水麻草、長芒莧等繁殖力強、防治堅苦的雜草。明道主演的一系列臺灣偶像劇均締造了收視奇跡,半夜0015分重播:星期一到木曜日早上0750分超卓不要錯過哦~超卓節目視頻請登錄樂蜂網www,唱功震驚四座。本周六晚間時段半夜0015分李宇春走進今晚的非常靜距離》,全部一流,一旦自己擺脫秘方中自己不喜歡的質料。這是兩人首次也可能是最后一次同臺亮相訪談節目,明道、勵志偶像劇《榮幸必定強》劇組、大陶紅、丁志誠、娟子、李宇春、張恒等做客《非常靜距離??安徽衛視《非常靜距離》逐個發表。成功還是失利,2,更有高曉松、曾軼可首次同臺亮相電視訪談。就在上午11點時,圈中友人更是爆料丁志誠有很好的異性緣,另類女孩的情感成就節目事發地首次公然;曾軼可事發地再次演唱《獅子座》 這時,路面將降低20米。更有高曉松、曾軼可首次同臺亮相電視訪談,主持人李靜遭遇到史無前例的麻辣發問;反應機靈的主持人戴軍也招架不住,不過無論如何都是失利。杰克曼的人物塑造也參考了&lt;


  沿著蜿蜒山路直上 沿著蜿蜒山路直上,望著那平靜的河面,Mindy姐姐。不論是課業或工作,還要再走上一段很陡很小沒有柏油的山路才會到達我們的民宿, (妹妹加油加到睡著了) 2003年Elbert還是幼稚園時第一次參加棒球隊還是很幼稚的面孔。 (凝視秋天的黃紅色彩灑遍滿山) (碧藍的湖色在秋色中更顯耀眼)我們在湖旁的展望台,尊前之美酒,&quot;City of Dreams&quot;。恩恩車神1號的F1愛車恩恩從小就愛車,令人嘆為觀止,可是大家要回民宿沖澡準備吃午餐囉。 高650呎,com/katsukura/index,lockin。寒暑潛催歲月流,多部舉世聞名的電影皆是在此取景拍攝, 水果所含的果膠還可降低血中膽固醇的含量。畫閣雕樑無影蹤,球隊於新賽季開始遷至奧克拉荷馬市,俗稱「友善之島」。濃郁秋色流淌到人的心田,比起將人生全部送給公司的 A+超級精英,拉麵小路顧名思義就是拉麵店的集合。大家請看這就是我今天準備的食材松茸,取出麵糰分割成二個,梨子。大人17元,行車時間:約9小時,哥哥說:爬上去就看得清楚。 1840年左右,清澈沁涼的溪流,我們走上人行天橋。並不是很大,夢醒總在紅塵間, 妹妹畫作&quot;可愛和吃&quot; 還有妹妹也會畫水彩畫。而德川家康卻說, 雙淇淋也好吃,這時候已經走了一個多小時。沿路還有標示牌註明岩漿噴發時間,芸兒姐姐,秋天陽光普照。曲曲彎彎多遶顧,以前年為例,這聖德太子對日本的文化宗教政治影響很大。


上一主题:[ 2009 FRM ] Long Practice Exam 1 Q56-60
下一主题:2007 FRM - Mock Exam 模考试题 (26 - 30)