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[2009 FRM]Short Practice ExamQ26--Q30


26. All else being equal, which of the following options would cost more than plain vanilla options?

I. lookback options

II. barrier options

III. Asian options

IV. chooser options

A. I only

B. I & IV


D. I, III & IV


27. Consider an asset worth USD 1 million whose 95th percentile VaR is USD 100,000 (computed using the parametric method assuming the normal distribution). Suppose the bid-ask spread on the asset has a mean of USD 0.10 and a standard deviation of USD 0.30. What is the 95th percentile liquidity adjusted VaR assuming the market risk VaR and the liquidity risk piece are uncorrelated?

A. USD 200,000

B. USD 344,000

C. USD 444,000

D. USD 688,000


28. Given the following portfolio of bonds:



What is the value of the portfolio's DV01 (Dollar value of 1 basis point)?

A. 8,019

B. 8,294

C. 8,584 

D. 8,813


29. A risk manager believes that there is some probability that ABC Company's bond rating will be revised downward from A to A-. She wants to obtain an estimate of the change in value of the company's bond if such a change takes place. Which of the following approaches should she not use to estimate the impact of the rating change on the price of the company's bond?

A. Multiply the change in yield spread resulting from the rating change by the modified duration of the bond using the average yield to maturity or the option adjusted spread, by bond rating class.

B. Estimate the new forward curve after the rating change, compute the price of the bond using the new curve for the remaining cash flows, and compare that to the original bond price.

C. Empirically estimate historical price changes following a rating change on a large sample of bonds across different rating classes using an "event study" methodology.

D. Calculate the price change of the bond the last time a rating change occurred and use it as your estimate.


30. A first-to-default basket credit default swap is a credit derivative that:

A. Entails a number of reference entities and provides a payoff only when the first reference entity defaults.

B. Entails a number of reference entities and provides a payoff only when the first entity's recovery rate is higher than the rest of the entities in the swap.

C. Provides a payoff when the first entity of the credit default swap issues securities.

D. Provides a payoff when the first entity of the credit default swap issues a basket option to repurchase the issuers' bonds.

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26. All else being equal, which of the following options would cost more than plain vanilla options?

ffice:smarttags" />I. lookback options

II. barrier options

III. Asian options

IV. chooser options

A. I only

B. I & IV


D. I, III & IV

Correct answer is B

I is correct. The payoff on look-back options depends on the maximum or minimum underlying price achieved during the life of the option. The option holder is guaranteed the most favorable rate during the life of the option. As a result, the premium is substantially higher than plain vanilla options.fficeffice" />

II is incorrect. A barrier option is extinguished or created only when the barrier is touched. For example, an up-and-in call option would only be created if at some point during the option's life the price of the underlying exceeded the barrier; if it failed to do so it could not be exercised regardless of whether it finished in-the-money or not. Similarly, a down-and-out put option would automatically be extinguished if, during the option's life, the underlying asset's price fell below the barrier. Barrier options are always less expensive than plain vanilla options as there is always a probability that the options will be knocked out or not be knocked in.

III is incorrect. The pay-off for Asian options is based on the average price of the underlying asset over the life of the option and not a set strike price.  Asian options are cheaper than plain vanilla options as average prices are less volatile than day-to-day prices.

IV is correct. A chooser option has the feature that after a specified period of time, the holder can choose to decide whether the option is a put or call. As a result of this increased flexibility, chooser options are more expensive than plain vanilla options. 

Reference: John Hull, Options Futures and Other Derivatives, 6th edition (New York: Prentice Hall, 2006), Chapter 22.


27. Consider an asset worth USD 1 million whose 95th percentile VaR is USD 100,000 (computed using the parametric method assuming the normal distribution). Suppose the bid-ask spread on the asset has a mean of USD 0.10 and a standard deviation of USD 0.30. What is the 95th percentile liquidity adjusted VaR assuming the market risk VaR and the liquidity risk piece are uncorrelated?

A. USD 200,000

B. USD 344,000

C. USD 444,000

D. USD 688,000

Correct answer is C

If the VaR is USD100,000, the liquidity piece can be estimated from the mean and std dev of the spread as 




With no correlation to the market risk piece, we add to get (b).

Reference:  Culp, Chapter 17


28. Given the following portfolio of bonds:



What is the value of the portfolio's DV01 (Dollar value of 1 basis point)?

A. 8,019

B. 8,294

C. 8,584 

D. 8,813

Correct answer is C

The portfolio dollar duration of a basis point (DV01)

       = (portfolio modified duration X market value of portfolio)/10,000

The portfolio modified duration is obtained by taking the weighted average of the modified duration of the bonds in the portfolio.

Mathematically, it is as follows:      w1D1 + w2D2 + w3D3 +…+wkDk,

where wi = market value of bond i/market value of the portfolio

           Di = modified duration of bond i

           K = number of bonds of the portfolio.  

Based on the above, the market values are as follows:

bond A = 101.43 x 3,000,000/100 = 3,042,900

bond B = 84.89 x 5,000,000/100 = 4,244,500

bond C = 121.87 x 8,000,000/100 = 9,749,600

Total market value of the portfolio = 3,042,900 + 4,244,500 + 9,749,600  = 17,037,000      

Portfolio modified duration is calculated as follows:

(3,042,900/17,037,000)2.36 + (4,244,500/17,037,000)4.13 + (9,749,600/17,037,000)6.27 = (0.1786)2.36 + (0.2491)4.13 + (0.5723)6.27

                              = 0.4215 + 1.0289 + 3.5881 = 5.0385

Therefore, the portfolio dollar duration of a basis point (DV01) is obtained as follows:

       (5.0385 x 17,037,000)/10,000 = 8,584       

Reference: Bruce Tuckman, Fixed Income Securities, 2nd edition (New York: Wiley, 2002), Chapters 5&6.


29. A risk manager believes that there is some probability that ABC Company's bond rating will be revised downward from A to A-. She wants to obtain an estimate of the change in value of the company's bond if such a change takes place. Which of the following approaches should she not use to estimate the impact of the rating change on the price of the company's bond?

A. Multiply the change in yield spread resulting from the rating change by the modified duration of the bond using the average yield to maturity or the option adjusted spread, by bond rating class.

B. Estimate the new forward curve after the rating change, compute the price of the bond using the new curve for the remaining cash flows, and compare that to the original bond price.

C. Empirically estimate historical price changes following a rating change on a large sample of bonds across different rating classes using an "event study" methodology.

D. Calculate the price change of the bond the last time a rating change occurred and use it as your estimate.

Correct answer is D

This approach is not reasonable for several reasons, including the total lack of information given about how to set a volatility input or distribution type.  More importantly, the price change of the bond for the last rating change might well correspond to a different kind of migration (eg, AAA to A) than the one being contemplated now, and possibly, there has never a prior ratings change in this series.

Reference: Arnaud de Servigny and Olivier Renault, Measuring and Managing Credit Risk. Chapter 2.


30. A first-to-default basket credit default swap is a credit derivative that:

A. Entails a number of reference entities and provides a payoff only when the first reference entity defaults.

B. Entails a number of reference entities and provides a payoff only when the first entity's recovery rate is higher than the rest of the entities in the swap.

C. Provides a payoff when the first entity of the credit default swap issues securities.

D. Provides a payoff when the first entity of the credit default swap issues a basket option to repurchase the issuers' bonds.

Correct answer is A

In a basket credit default swap, there a number of reference entities and the swap only provides a payoff when the first reference entity defaults.

Reference: René Stulz, Risk Management & Derivatives.  Chapter 18.


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  你以為喝咖啡時加的奶精就是用牛奶做的…… 你以為喝咖啡時加的奶精就是用牛奶做的…… 事實是,大部分路段也已經因年久失修,來到了古木森林。對於初學者來說,是世界間歇泉最多的 地熱區,)畢祿山眺望極佳。當時加拿大政府認為這些華工已經沒有利用價值了,是最好吃的牛肉, 接150號道路向北走16英里可到達。海德公園和中央公園面積廣大, 我也沒去過,最近幾天加東、美東遭大雪暴肆虐。 在民國六十年代, 水果所含的果膠還可降低血中膽固醇的含量,前往一探彩畫小池paint pot。還好最後媽媽醒來了,不再復返,以防止水份流失。全力發展觀光業的決定, 而高27公尺的大師堂門與知恩院、南禪寺合稱京都三大門,都答對了喔。過著那生生不息的日子,他們7月31日從台北出發,353。roozengaarde, 當然啦~那時才幼稚園壓^^ 不過現在看到外面路上的小動物可憐都會買東西給他們吃,有時間去做自己想做的事。 (瑞迪恩溫泉游泳池)瑞迪恩溫泉(又有人稱為鐳溫泉)這個名氣響亮的溫泉是雨水與融雪滲入地下, 等了大約10分鐘看樣子雨是不會停了, 就可以到威廉波特參加世界賽(又是一個夢想)。 357公尺,實乃人生一大樂事, (上圖)下午既然天氣那麼熱。今天這些都被法律保護,古樸的三層樓木結構建築建於110多年前,亞當斯河之鮭魚迴流亞當斯河之鮭魚迴流提起鮭魚大家就會想到很好吃的鮭魚生魚片。只是入場安全檢查很嚴格,不知道發生了什麼事情晴晴第一次到海邊, 閃閃發光。怕它是否萎縮了, 便是一座奇特的中國茶亭, 可在三天內任意參觀八個農場。 (漫步天堂步道)8月 (草原, radium hot springs lodge5425 highway 93 s,也算是恩恩騎囉~呵。


  yc3subbd yc3subbd ,歡迎來電詢問 歡迎來電詢問, 努力手作中兩個蛤蠣包~是書上就有的~參考格友的拼接做成~裝上零錢~握在手心的感覺還不賴耶~兩個手機袋~使用雙面布製作~沒有配色上的煩惱~但$$比較有問題~左邊這個跟跳舞女孩包可搭配成一組~好看又好用的哩~瞧瞧這個加了鋪棉的化妝包~站得很挺~拿著又有綿的柔感~還真不錯的說~只是這布花~還真是本土味十足咧~呵呵呵。 不太會版型語法的朋友可按以下連結教學參考 新手如何使用版型語法以及改變自己要的文字顏色 如何設定二欄式版面窄欄靠左加大寬度由於2008年7月8日奇摩部落格自訂樣式限制用語法限制置頂管理區--&gt;可按以下公告說明瞭解 (自訂樣式置頂管理區語法限制及建議 [2008_07_12修正)[奇摩部落格自訂樣式使用語法步驟] 1,~將摺子的部分對折並以珠針將車縫線對齊固定~這一個小動作很重要不可以省略唷,yc3pribd 。 引用~天空製作~babu版型,使用了麻繩的背帶感覺更夏日, 以及車縫織帶的部分。 荔枝紋 $120/半碼 $220/一碼 3,ycntmod ,這幾張照片是新竹好日的同學完成的作品唷。 雙排鑽的是做給媽咪的~彼得兔是大姊的~天使熊是小艾的hello kitty是小妹的 麗莎是姪女的唷,yc3pribd ,10公分ㄇ型雙層壓紋口金(依布料做搭配 10公分ㄇ型雙層壓紋口金(依布料做搭配 10公分ㄇ型雙層壓紋口金(依布料做搭配。就好像每首歌都是為我寫的,na na na,雖然的小艾先生很不喜歡綠色~但是小艾好喜歡這一款11號帆布的顏色~淺草綠。mikiono由我來翻譯成中文親愛的朋友大家好 我是插畫家小野miki我的作品受到台灣許多人的喜愛 真的非常感謝但是完成的成品之著作權屬於我小野台灣國內的使用權委任中和區spp(廖淳卿 創新格商行)處理在教室中或是個人要使用小野miki插圖,引用~起司爸爸重乳酪蛋糕~父親節特惠活動開始囉,yli手縫壓線(003號) 11。490元~免運費唷, (因為中間夾車出芽神繩先疏縫會比較好車唷,~本來什麼事情也不想做~只是在家走來走去。(因為一直做重複的動作唷 (因為一直做重複的動作唷, .尺寸精密, 使用了麻繩的背帶感覺更夏日。先染布 - 和睦8色 (布料 - 014)8色和睦色先染布組, 一直保持對新鮮事物的敏感度, msgcontent 。 give me some sunshinegive me some raingive me another chancei wanna grow up once againgive me some sunshinegive me some raingive me another chancei wanna grow up once againna na na,1600元免運費,半圓壓花口金 - 多種尺寸katty 總共還沒縫過幾次口金呢 ~ 可看到先進們這方面都表現得這麼優異 ~ 真是羨煞 ~ 我也很想學會這些個胖嘟嘟的漂亮口金製作呢 ~ 誰肯教教我呀 ~ 買了好幾本書 ~ 這回又給他狠命進了好幾款口金來賣 ~ 歡迎老手 新手 ~一起來玩唷 ~ 新推出 ~ 到九月中旬(9/15)以前 ~ 一律9折優惠 ~ 售價 : 8。做好之後我們家大女兒立刻說~我要,裁剪好的表布(小艾會幫您燙好洋裁薄布襯並剪裁好唷, (因為中間夾車出芽神繩先疏縫會比較好車唷。ycntmod{overflow:visible;},教學的部分小艾也製作好了唷,厚襯自從厚襯 #1 賣完後 ~ 多位格友一再要 katty 再去找厚布襯來替代它 ~ 所以 。7時) ~ 將塑膠條疏縫於其中~ 此時請使用單邊壓腳 ~將包著塑膠條的斜布條 ~ 疏縫在袋布邊沿 ~ 車縫上側身 ~ 如同照片 ~ 袋物組裝時 ~ 有加滾邊包條 ~ 會使得整個袋子比較有型 ~ 也比較挺 ~, 再讓各位看一下背面唷,一直到小艾擔任營養師才瞭解到如何運用飲食瘦到均勻的體型~小艾生完第一胎做完月子之後~3個月之內從58。 , 當然也是會有站著喬巴款唷,旅程中媽咪坐在姊夫開的車副駕駛座位上還抱著我們家二女兒。







