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[求助!!]FRM I 级考试没过, 怎么就没办法再次报名呢??!!

本人经历: 先同时报了2011年5月的FRM I 级和II 级考试, 后来把II 级推迟到了2011年的11月. 成绩出来了以后,发现I 级没有通过。这下就麻烦了,意味着今年11月要同时考I 级和II 级。。。
现打算再报名考I 级,GARP 报名的网页中有如下几项:
Step 1 Select Candidate Type.
选项1)New FRM Candidate
You have never registered for the FRM Exam.
选项2)Returning FRM Candidate – Part I or Parts I & II (If taken on the same day)
You previously registered but did not sit for a FRM Exam OR You did not pass the May 2011 Exam.
选项3)Deferral Candidate: Register for Part II only
You deferred the May  2011  exam and have been automatically registered for the FRM Exam Part I on November 19, 2011. You now wish to also sit for the FRM Exam Part II, on the same day.
选项4)Register for Part II only
You have already registered for, or passed the FRM Exam Part I OR you previously registered for the FRM Exam but did not sit for the May 2011 exam.

Our records show that you are a deferred candidate.  没法继续了。
Dear Member,November 2011, FRM Exam Part II - Registration
Our records indicate that you are not a deferred candidate from the previous exam. If you want to register for Part II please click here. 又没法继续了。
Our records show that you are a deferred candidate. 还是没法继续。。。


