- 494905
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- 76
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- 2007-4-20
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- 2010-7-22
近日在档案柜里偶然翻到一份海外子公司的年度审计报告,不知是我的英语理解能力太差还是业务水平有问题,对这份报告有不少疑问,现节选部分请大家解惑,谢谢 Accountants’ report on the unaudited financial statements to the directors of XXXXX Limited As described on the balance sheet you are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements for the period ended 31 December 2007 set out on pages 3 to 11 and you consider that the company is exempt from an audit. In accordance with your instructions we have compiled these unaudited financial statements, in order to assist you to fulfil your statutory responsibilities, from the accounting records and information supplied to us. (一个英文的手写签名) 事务所的信息 我的疑问主要有以下几点: 1、从整个文档的内容来看,这应该是一份审计报告才对,可是这个标题为什么用了unaudited这个词;而且在正文中说这些财务数据都是未经审计的,既然未经审计,那你出审计报告并且还签字干什么啊 2、审计报告不是因该有审计师的opion吗?从这里面也看不出明显的结论出来啊?不会结论就是unaudited吧 3、国外审计师除了手写的签名以外,是不是还应该有个证明该审计师身份的章啊,比如像国内的审计师的编号之类的;要不然我也可以随便签个名,说这是经过我审计的,谁来证明啊…… 看了这份报告,有点晕乎,还望有了解海外审计的高手不吝赐教,真心感谢!