上一主题:General Ethics Question
下一主题:Two ethics conundrums
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first ethic question made me smile

not going into any detail but anyone that actually used CFAI material and read every sentence probably had the same reaction….
people that used supplement material = OWNED

I would venture to guess that most people who used supplemental material (like me) still read Ethics directly from the CFAI texts. Most of the prep services are up front about the fact that this is really the only way to approach the topic and I agree.


The best thing to do is redo all of the CFAI EOC Ethics questions a day or two before the exam. I did that for L1 last year and L2 this year, almost every question tested was some sort of variant from the text. Sadly, Ethics may have been my best section this year


上一主题:General Ethics Question
下一主题:Two ethics conundrums