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CFA vs Elan Mock - Ethics

First up, I thought the Cfa mock was overall much harder than elans…
The ethics section on cfa crippled me however, anyone else feel this? Which is more realistic?
I was getting around 90 percent on ethics in the elan mock, got around 30 in cfa!

Why would you need to memorize the names? They provide the names…isn’t it more about what each standard entails?


Wbrocks doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


CFA mock ethics is tough in my opinion. I took CFA mock afternoon and scored 50% in ethics. In the schweser practice tests I got consistently above 70% in this section.


I had a hard time with the afternoon section as well. I was scoring in the 80’s on Stalla and Elan and EOC questions, but didn’t do very hot on the CFA mock… I’m kinda worried now…


I was feeling confident with ethics after doing elan… but then i did the cfa mock and everything changed!


looks like you got a lot covered though.. with 192/240. im still stuck in the 55-60% region.
Best prep for ethics qs is probably re-reading the examples in the cfa book and doing the eoc qs again. W


I read ethics 3 months back since then I was scoring around 75% in schweser and 85% in ELAN and 65% in CFAI. The whole thursday ethics day for me.
@ cokecan:
Iam also on same boat around 63% on CFAI mock. I think we should nt worry abt % at this point and give everything we can for last 4 days.
@ bruinbanker: You are safe man.
Waht happens if somebody scores >70% on the exam and


I scored pretty much the exact same as you but I have to say I don’t think it’s Elan’s fault. I did poorly on ethics on both the CFA as well as the Elan mocks and after going over all the problems I really don’t see a huge disparity. I think ethics is simply much more involved than people think (myself included). It’s not all common sense and it’s not just about skimming the principles, you actually have to know what each one entails.


Yes exactly…my problem is that I know all the do’s and dont’s, just that I’m not familliar under which titles they all fall. Hopefully there won’t be too many questions to catch you out on this!


上一主题:How quantitative is the exam?
下一主题:References sources ethics