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What would you do if you fail level 2 the second time?

I thought of quitting. I thought of trying one last time. I thought of hurting myself real bad.

If I fail again which seems likely I would probably take it again one last time, but I with you topher, I don’t work in a front office role either and it does seem like all the effort I am putting in for this isn’t getting me anywhere


Take the exam as many time as it takes


Taking it as many time as it takes? Well a friend of mine spent 6 years on level 2 and never passed. If he hadn’t moved on and went for a full time MBA (outside of top 30 but good program), he would still be making $45k in a very undesirable back office. Now he’s doing great in corporate finance.


I don’t see how that has anything to do with the CFA, he could have accomplished the other things while attempting level 2. Maybe with the CFA, he could have moved on sooner rather than waiting to complete the MBA.


cfagoal2 Wrote:
I don’t see how that has anything to do with the
CFA, he could have accomplished the other things
while attempting level 2. Maybe with the CFA, he
could have moved on sooner rather than waiting to
complete the MBA.
Sure, you can accomplish anything you want while taking the CFA, but the bottom line is you still spend 4-6 months a year to study for level 2, for years, and if you don’t pass you get absolutely nothing (other than ‘passed level 1’ which means little). Life is kind of too short for that, IMO. However, I don’t discourage anyone from retaking countless times. I just don’t think it’s worth the time that’s all.


I might put a fist through a wall, and admittedly, it wouldn’t be as easy to make the decision to register for the exam a third time, but I’m pretty sure I would. Not turning back now.


Rage quit?


“We don’t quit at half time… You don’t score until you score!”
- Steve Stifler


Pay someone to take the test for you (forge your documents).
My sympathy to anyone in that kind of slump. I know plenty of successful people that dropped out unable to finish level 2 and 3.
If you put in good effort into the exam you need to rethink your plan of attack. Try getting into practicing the material outside of the material. Conducting your own research on stocks and investing a little bit with an etrade account. Just buying a few bonds helped me understand Fixed Income a whole lot better than reading about them in textbooks.
Seek and experts help too.

