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Schweser Sample exams=Real Exam Difficulty?

I guess this is a better question for those who took the CFA 1 in December, but did you feel the level of difficulty was equal, greater, less then the actual exam?
did you see any patterns where the only difference in Schweser sample exam questions to the real exam questions might have been the wording or numbers used?
I have been getting 6769% on the practice exams in Schweser and trying to gauge if i have a shot at this thing.

everyones sees it differently. some say easier, some say harder.
but i’d say you’ve got a shot. the worst you can do is fail…


I’m yet to do the CFAI sample, but from my experience in December the actual exam was easier than schweser


From my past 2 attempts, IMO, Ethics was about the same standard. But other than that, the CFAI papers were relatively easier than Schweser. However, CFAI papers are designed in such a way they really test your concepts rather than just pure memory work. IN some cases they will even give for the formulas to work with but if you can’t understand the application of it, you still won be able to get it right.


I think people are far to obsessed/concerned with mock scores and not focused enough on their concept retention. Use the mock exams as study guides and gauge your progress. The benefits I got from mocks were the ability to correct mistakes in my learning (errors I had formed) as well as techniques (catching those least likely question, not skipping crucial parts, not getting overconfident)……
You can do a lot in 4 days, and 67% on a schweser mock is a pass if you really crank it right now. Don’t worry about those scores being reflective of your performance on dday, just keep at it.


Thanks guys. this helps.


上一主题:Operating Margin - CFAI MOCK AM Q14