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How much time do you spend per week on each: reading, learni

I feel like I’m spending too much time each week reading and not enough time doing practice questions or learning formulas. How much time do you spend on each of the itmes listed below on average each week? And how many practice Qs do you complete? Do you do around 20 Qs per study session or closer to 100? Do you do full reading of the text or do you just scan it and spend more time doing practice Qs?
Per week (you can answer time questions in hours or %)
Time spent reading:
Time spent going back and reviewing the readings:
Time spent learning/memorizing formulas:
Time spent watching lectures/classes/videos:
Time spent on blue box/EOC/self-test questions:
Time spent doing practice questions (Qbank or other source):
# of practice questions atempted (Qbank or other source):

Time spent reading: 30
Time spent going back and reviewing the readings: 8 (only sections you found difficult or still don’t understand)
Time spent learning/memorizing formulas: 2 (once you get in the habit of reviewing formulas every week you don’t need to waste too much time memorizing them)
Time spent watching lectures/classes/videos: 10 (if you have online videos, skip sections you understand)
Time spent on blue box/EOC/self-test questions: 50
Time spent doing practice questions (Qbank or other source): 0 (this is a waste of time because if you can do EOC and blue box questions well and fast - you will pass the exam, also some Qbank questions are too easy, some are too hard and most are a waste of time because they contain questions the CFA would never ask)
# of practice questions atempted (Qbank or other source): 0 (again a waste of time, you are usually stuggling to finish the EOC and blue box questions)
When working on the EOC/blue box questions make sure you can complete them in 1.5 minutes by the time you are ready for the CFA exam. You won’t be that fast in the beginning but eventually you need to get to that pace because you have 240 questions in 360 minutes = 1.5 minutes per question.


I defiinitely need to re-prioritize my study time. So far it’s been
Time spent reading: 70%
Time spent going back and reviewing the readings: 0%
Time spent learning/memorizing formulas: 2%
Time spent watching lectures/classes/videos: 10%
Time spent on blue box/EOC/self-test questions: 15%
Time spent doing practice questions (Qbank or other source): 3%
# of practice questions atempted (Qbank or other source): Less than 20
I think early on I took too much time reading Quant and Economics. I was reading like 10 pages an hour (incl. doing all the blue boxes and EOCs). So the readings took forever. Now I’ve picked up the pace a bit since I’m more familiar with FP&A, and I’m doing 20-30 pages an hour.
Now that I’m done with FP&A, I think I should cut reading down to 50% and increase practice Qs and review.


Those answers are in %.

