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Economist magzine and free website contents

I got a letter that offers 51 issues of the magzine for $50. I like the magzine but would not have the time to read much of its contents other than important and interesting parts. Does their website reveal most contents free? I read on their website occasionally but never made such comparison with a magzine in hand.

waiguy wrote:
cocky general style
pro-UK culture
anti america
looks down on EM
mockery of Africa

Funny…. a british mag thats pro-UK culture, and not in love with america?  Who’da thought?  (Not starting anything, just saying.  I don’t mind the culture, and its nice to read something thats not all about how amazing america apparantly is - aka, less biased than the domestic rags)


in the sense, yes very biased about UK. Won’t utter so much on the mass shop looting or enormous expenditure on the queen’s celebrations. The olympics are a massive success, no hiccups. Libor scandal was a one off incident. Standard Chartered did a minor violation. But very swift enough to mock a EM politician if he holidayed in swiss. About US, I think they behave very objective, may be because given the lack of such unbiased media from US. EMs won’t grow because capacity constaints kick-in and inflation goes through the roof. Ems are corrput by nature. etc…


Economist is hands down the best weekly publication on the face of this earth.
Pay for their services. I honestly wouldn’t even mind if they doubled the price tag.


Wait a second…you guys do realize your CFA membership comes with free access to EBSCO?  Its a database with access to thousands of trade publications, academic journals and magazines…including the current issue of the Economist…
Am I the only one using this?


You have to be either an affiliate member or regular member to receive access to EBSCO.  As a member, you log into your account with CFA and you should see a link to it on the right hand side somewhere.  You can also get to it by clicking on the “My CFA” tab and then clicking the “Practice Tools” link.


So I just went on EBSCO, and it looks like for the Economist in particular, they only have bibliography info up until the present, and NOT the articles.  I apologize, I thought they had them for this publication.  I see they have Time, Money, Forbes, etc. as well as thousands more in complete issues…just not The Economist.  Sorry about that…hope some of you still bother to check it out, it really is a solid resource.
- Donnie


FrankArabia wrote:
Economist is hands down the best weekly publication on the face of this earth.
Pay for their services. I honestly wouldn’t even mind if they doubled the price tag.

Ooooh. Smells like pricing power.


or lots of consumer surplus


The Economist is a terrific rag for people with no background in finance.  It does a good job of dumbing down content to make everything understandable.  
Bloomberg Businessweek provides deeper insight.

