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This really feels like a trolling post.  You just signing up as a member yesterday doesn’t help validate it much either.


Simple: You broke the rules and must pay the consequece.


I’m also highly skeptical this is about your “friend”.  I think your friend, is you.
It’s a classic example in psychosis when the patient is too embarrased to admit it’s about themselves.


Lost case I would be pissed if your friend or “you” didn’t get the result void bc a break of rules if a break of rules. I didn’t get extra time i.e no excuse whatsoever.


in the exam, everyone gets 10,800 seconds to complete it and it’s plenty of time to avoid the mistake. Think about it.


…in such rigorous and intensive exams candidates may become mentally exhausted….
Ummm…yeah.  That’s the point.  If it were easy, everyone would do it, and the CFA Charter would mean nothing, and we wouldn’t get the prestige or pay of being a Charterholder.

…candidates were under so much pressure during the examination….
You know that this is an exam, right?  Have you ever had an exam that had zero pressure?  Did your “friend” not read the “minimum of 250 hours of study time” thing that CFAI says to every candidate who registers?  Does “minimum of 250 hours” not tell you that maybe this is a high-pressure situation?

…he was unable to sit in the June CFA level 1 exam. Because, he applied for the work permit visa and didn’t receive passport from the UK Border agency on time. Further, it was mandatory for the candidates to show valid passport for the exam….
How is this even possible?  In order to register, you have to have a passport.  CFAI reminds you several times to check your passport’s expiration date, and bring your passport.  In absolutely no uncertain terms, they make it clear that you have to have a passport.  Did your “friend” also bring a programmable TI-82 to the exam with him?  Did he mark the bubbles in a purple pen?  
I feel absolutely zero sympathy for “him.”  The proctors said, “Stop.  Put your pencils down.”  He disregarded their instructions and deserves whatever punishment he gets.  
How one could tackle with such tricky situation?   
But to answer your question, just stay out of it.  It’s not your problem.  If your “friend” is stupid enough to forget his passport then blatantly violate the rules, then he’s a dumbass.  Failure to follow simple instructions gets you nowhere in life.


This thread just turned brutal.


Alladin wrote:
pdx914 wrote:
This thread just turned brutal.  
yeah…so much hate
I don’t see hate at all.  The rules are written clearly for everyone and you are even reminded of them multiple times.  
It doesn’t matter if you took an extra 3 seconds or 3 minutes, you violate the rules and you may get the punishment that follows.


iteracom wrote:
Alladin wrote:
pdx914 wrote:
This thread just turned brutal.  
yeah…so much hate
I don’t see hate at all.  The rules are written clearly for everyone and you are even reminded of them multiple times.  
It doesn’t matter if you took an extra 3 seconds or 3 minutes, you violate the rules and you may get the punishment that follows.  
Agree with iteracom. God said “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” In other words, when you spot an idiot, you should call him idiot…


^ Do not invest too much in God, he is to belief as money is to a ponzi scheme. When you try to realise your claim, you will find nothing there but a crumbled deck of cards.

