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还是economic profit的问题

经济利润是总收益减总成本,包括显性成本和隐性成本,隐性成本就包括normal profit

return to entrepreneurial ability就是normal profit

The return to entrepreneurial ability is greater than normal in a firm that makes a positive economic profit.
比起一般有经济利润的公司,return to entrepreneurial ability is greater

The return to entrepreneurial ability is less than normal in a firm that makes a negative economic profit - a firm that incurs an economic loss.
比起一般经济利润为负的公司,return to entrepreneurial ability is less

那么,对于“return to entrepreneurial ability就是normal profit”这句话,我的理解就是二者相等。何来的大与小,怎么理解“The return to entrepreneurial ability is greater than normal ”一说。能解释一下么

解答:关于Economic profit=Sales-implicit cost(Economic depreciation要加上)-explicit cost(accounting depreciation要扣掉), implicit cost=economic depreciation + normal profit+foregone interest。The return to entrepreneurial ability is greater than normal in a firm that makes a positive economic profit,如果一个企业有正的economic profit,则说明这个企业家能够获得比Normal profit更高的收益。

