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Schweser Videos vs. Elan Videos

Hi there,
I am just wrapping up my first pass through the material and am looking at utilizing the video lectures from one of these providers. Just wanted some feedback and which provider gives the best overview of the material as well as the timing as I know the Elan videos tend to be fairly long from what I have heard. Any feedback would be appreciated, thanks!

I’m using Elan and I’m very satisfied. Sometimes they do take long, but I just skip through the parts I’m comfortable with. I do have to say that I’m still on my first pass, and I appreciate the slow pace they take when explaining the basics as they improve my capability of getting into the more complex parts.
As you finished your first pass (congrats btw!), you might just want to sift through the introductions and only watch the parts you’d like to see reviewed?
I can’t really compare with Schweser, as I only used those a little bit last year (most topics I already saw at university, so no real need to watch them in-depth for L1), so I won’t try to tell you what is best, but I am very happy with the Elan videos in general.
Hope this helps


Even I’m very satisfied with Elan videos, although the videos by Mr Shajani are a pain to watch sometimes. For example - the lecture on currency exchange rates is over 6 hours long.
Personally, I don’t think videos would be of great help if you’ve already gone through the material and understand the concepts. You’d probably find them repetitive and boring. I think you’d be better off with the Elan eleventh hour guide or something. But then it’s just my opinion, you could go with the videos if you still want to.


For L1, I used Schweser videos and really liked how it was a review as I had pretty good grasp of the material by the time I used them in my prep stage.  However, for L2, I knew I needed something more than a quick review and since I heard Elan was detailed, I chose them.  I have yet to view those videos and def NOT looking forward to videos >2 hrs (which unfortunately seems to be the length of most videos), but hoping that somewhere in those long detailed videos everything clicks (b/c it hasn’t so far!).


I’m debating between Schweser and Elan video series for CFA Level 2 - 2014, and would be interested to know what people who used them for Level 2 think.  What are the advantages / disadvantages of each?


Last year I used Elan.  If you don’t have a financial background, Elan is good.  They go into a lot of detail.    For me it wasn’t a good use of my time.   I would have preferred Schweser which is more succinct.
Also, Elan, has the bad habit of always delivering their content late.   Most of the times they would post a delivery schedule and they keep pushing the delivery dates back.
I passed level 2 on the first pass, but not having the material on time was a bit stressful to me.


I saw both and was able to compare. I would say ELAN 100%


Dachen -
Since I’m paying for the exam and prep. materials on my own, the Elan price certainly does appeal to me.  As a re-taker, some added detail might be good.  The flip-side to that is that I don’t want to drown in the details at the expense of the big picture, most testable concepts.  Were the videos a few weeks late, or how late?

Has anyone here used Schweser videos for Level 2?  If so, what were your thoughts?


Hamada - Thanks.  What would you say were Schweser’s strengths, and Elan’s strengths?


There’s no competition here. Elan’s videos beat the crap out of Schweser’s videos.
The intitial post above was by someone who wanted to review the material 2-3 months beofr the test. For those who plan to begin their prep sometime in the next 6 months, Elan’s videos will be instrumental in understanding the material.

