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Anyone considering setting up a company after the CFA

As we await our final CFA result, I am just wondering if anyone thought to set up a company that will enable him or her display some of the pertinent skills learnt on the CFA program. For me, I might consider doing something in addition to my current full time role. I think it is better to learn the trade within the security of salaried work as opposed to taking a plunge at entrepreneurship.
what do ya think?

I am working on a company, but it has nothing to do with finance I think it’s a good idea to keep your day job until you have established contracts or a lot of money in the bank.


Only a few will be wealthy working for someone else, yet I notice that the vast majority feels comfortable working for someone else.
Can I infer that the vast majority are not in it for the money? Or the vast majority do not just have what it takes to thrive working for themselves?


Indian Job Market s very bad at the moment.


It is my dream to have my own business. However, I will NEVER make it in investment sector!! anything operational and real


this is why i’m pursuinig a CFA designation. so that i can add credibility to my investment skills when i pitch the strategy to clients. i’m currently working for an investment management firm and is working towards finalizing my strategy. i will be launching my incubator in a few months (upon approval by my supervisor as we are not bound by any mandate) and see how it goes.
if my incubator blows up then a CFA designation will still work in my advantage when i move to some other places.


I think anybody who has the ability to really succeed with their own business probably doesn’t need the CFA charter to be successful.
Also, anybody who is seeking the CFA charter probably doesn’t own their own business, because they’re still on the learning curve.
I, for one, plan to open my own business (or another line in an existing business), but that will be several years from now.

