答案和详解如下: Q1. Which of the following BRIC countries has had the most trouble with inefficient institutions? A) India. B) Russia. C) Brazil. Correct answer is B) If the institutions in an economy operate efficiently, an economy can produce goods and services more efficiently. Inefficient institutions are often symptomatic of other chronic problems. BRICs have had trouble in this area, particularly in the case of Russia. Q2. Which of the following BRIC countries has been the slowest to open their economy? A) China. B) Russia. C) India. Correct answer is C) An open economy is one in which trade and capital flows freely across its borders. With an open economy, an economy gains increased access to technology, inputs, and markets. Research has verified that openness in an economy results in higher growth. Some BRICs have had more success at opening up their economy; India has been particularly slow to do so. Q3. Which of the following BRIC countries has the weakest educational system? A) Brazil. B) China. C) India. Correct answer is C) Research has demonstrated that higher levels of education are associated with increased economic growth in a country. Although some BRIC countries have made some progress in this area, the primary and secondary education systems in India are relatively poor. |