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标题: Reading 61: Swap Markets and Contracts-LOS b, (Part 2) 习题精 [打印本页]

作者: 土豆妮    时间: 2010-4-22 11:08     标题: [2010]Session 17-Reading 61: Swap Markets and Contracts-LOS b, (Part 2) 习题精

Session 17: Derivative Investments: Options, Swaps, and Interest Rate and Credit Derivatives
Reading 61: Swap Markets and Contracts

LOS b, (Part 2): Explain the equivalence of a plain vanilla swap to a combination of an interest rate call and interest rate put.




Writing a series of interest-rate puts and buying a series of interest-rate calls, all at the same exercise rate, is equivalent to:

being the floating-rate payer in an interest rate swap.
a short position in a series of forward rate agreements.
being the fixed-rate payer in an interest rate swap.


A short position in interest rate puts will have a negative payoff when rates are below the exercise rate; the calls will have positive payoffs when rates exceed the exercise rate. This mirrors the payoffs of the fixed-rate payer who will receive positive net payments when settlement rates are above the fixed rate.

作者: 土豆妮    时间: 2010-4-22 11:08

For a 1-year quarterly-pay swap, an equivalent position with short puts and long calls would involve:

put-call combinations expiring on each of the four settlement dates.
three put-call combinations on the last three settlement dates of the swap.
three put-call combinations expiring on the first three settlement dates of the swap.

Interest rate options pay one period after exercise. Options expiring on settlements at t = 1,2,3, will mimic the uncertain swap payments at t = 2,3,4.

作者: 土豆妮    时间: 2010-4-22 11:08

The fixed-rate receiver in a plain vanilla interest rate swap has a position equivalent to a series of:

long interest-rate puts.
long interest-rate puts and short interest-rate calls.
short interest-puts and long interest-rate calls.

The fixed-rate receiver has profits when short rates fall and losses when short rates rise, equivalent to buying puts and writing calls.

作者: 土豆妮    时间: 2010-4-22 11:09

The fixed-rate payer in an interest-rate swap has a position equivalent to a series of:

long interest-puts and short interest-rate calls.
long interest-rate puts and calls.
short interest-rate puts and long interest-rate calls.

The fixed-rate payer has profits when short rates rise and losses when short rates fall, equivalent to writing puts and buying calls.

作者: 土豆妮    时间: 2010-4-22 11:09

The floating-rate payer in a simple interest-rate swap has a position that is equivalent to:

issuing a floating-rate bond and a series of long FRAs.
a series of short FRAs.
a series of long forward rate agreements (FRAs).

The floating-rate payer has a liability/gain when rates increase/decrease above the fixed contract rate; the short position in an FRA has a liability/gain when rates increase/decrease above the contract rate.

作者: 土豆妮    时间: 2010-4-22 11:10

A plain vanilla interest-rate swap to the fixed-rate payer is equivalent to issuing a fixed-rate bond and:

selling a series of interest rate puts.
selling a series of interest rate calls.
buying a floating-rate bond.

Paying fixed and receiving floating in a swap is equivalent to issuing a fixed-rate bond and investing the proceeds in a floating rate bond.

作者: 土豆妮    时间: 2010-4-22 11:10

Which of the following is equivalent to a plain vanilla receive-fixed interest rate swap?

A short position in a bond coupled with a long position in a floating rate note.
A short position in a bond coupled with the issuance of a floating rate note.
A long position in a bond coupled with the issuance of a floating rate note.

A long position in a fixed rate bond pays fixed coupons. The short floating rate note requires floating-rate payments. Together, these are the same cash flow as a receive-fixed swap.

作者: 土豆妮    时间: 2010-4-22 11:10

Which of the following is equivalent to a plain vanilla receive fixed currency swap?

A short position in a foreign bond coupled with a long position in a dollar-denominated floating rate note.
A long position in a foreign bond coupled with the issuance of a dollar-denominated floating rate note.
A short position in a foreign bond coupled with the issuance of a dollar-denominated floating rate note.

A long position in a fixed rate foreign bond will receive fixed coupons denominated in a foreign currency. The short floating rate note requires U.S. dollar denominated floating-rate payments. Combined, these are the same cash flow as a plain vanilla currency swap.

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