小女是理工科背景,在国内top2读的本科,ivy league读的master,由于08年回国转行失败,目前在一家四大做内控和流程方面的咨询和it审计。由于目前的工作在前途、薪水等方方面面均不能满足自己的要求,因此十分痛苦,决定继续努力转行金融。但是考虑到目前工作占用的时间太多(四大的工作强度大家都知道不说了),一直在犹豫要不要裸辞,然后把年底的证券从业、明年的cfa level 2和cpa拿下。不知道有了这些证书,会对转行有多大帮助,裸辞是不是最佳选择?一直在想,如果继续在这个工作上待下去,可能就永远没机会转行了。大家有什么更好的建议吗?先鞠躬谢谢了:)
You ivy education background is much more useful in NYC than in mainland China so probably the swtich could have been easier if you were still in U.S.
anyway my suggestion would be to make the switch using networking. Use your personal network especially your T/P and ivy alum working in finance. I am sure there are a lot if you are in Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen/Guangzhou/HK. Go out after work and in the weekends for coffee/drink/dinner and meet old/new friends working in IB/securities firms aggressively and show them your interest and capability. Start from people who really know you and trust you. This is 100 times more efficient than CFA/CAIA/FRM/CPA/ACCA ..... in the meanwhile you can try crack CFA if you really have nothing to do.
Also try your best to network internally and see if you can transfer to a transaction service/M&A/IPO deal advisory position inside your big4 audit firm
don't even think about quiitting your job. Loss in work experience can't be even partially compensated by a piece of useless CFA paper
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-12-6 19:28:02编辑过]
Hi upper dude,
I do not know how many years that you have been in nyc, but I am sure you have no idea how hard now hunting job is in usa, especially in nyc.
I myself is a master student in Columbia. Ivy league is nothing in USA, on the contrary,, the working
experience is the most important factor in evaluating a job candidate.
In other words, for new graduates with no US citizenship or green cards, it is impossible to find a job in nyc now.
Do more research then speak.
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