金融市场就好比海洋中的食物链,每个热点都会有一群从小鱼到大鱼的饕餮。在香港回归和港股狂飙这次猎食的过程,我有幸作为一只兼职的小鱼在高盛度过了10周,并目睹了恒生穿破23000点和Dow冲破14000的一幕,也经历了次级信贷让恒生一天跌落1200点的历史性时刻。我在Investment Management Division下面的Private Wealth Management (PWM)。PWM is pretty much a Sales and Trading department, and the difference is that Sales & Trading serves institutions and we serve high net worth individual clients。我纯粹是一个accidental banker,因为之前从来对数字和金融没有特别感兴趣过,但是还是有幸学到了很多东西,除了technical之外,分享一些学习体会和大家:
Absorb and digest information quicly
没有任何一个行业比金融对信息变化更加敏感。从CPI, Interest rate到公司的最新财报,以及实时的股价变化,每天要面对无穷尽的信息,吸收,并宣传有用的信息来快速做出决策,无疑是挑战性很大的。
Re-define hard working
我的一个Mentor给我说, “hard working is given at Goldman Sachs”。但是根据 我的观察和我与人的交流,我发现这个真的是千差万别。如果说成功有什么秘方的话,我真的是发现和hard work的co-relation最大。我的一个老板,每天8点钟准时到公司,和我一起听research call,然后做计划。 他带领的3人团队管理15亿美金的资金,可以和一个对冲基金的规模向匹敌。另外两个top performers,A & R也是格外的努力,每天下班以后还在家里看美国股市的盘。
人平庸与否智力是很关键的,other factors given equal,我真的见识到了为什么成功的人会成功。
斯坦福的很多同学认为,这两年的MBA就应该懒一点,享受生活,我一直不同意,现在找到了很大理论和事实支持。True relaxation does not come from doing nothing, but from the confidence and inner satisfaction and inner peace within one’s mind. 工作是充实的,我确实闲不下来。作者: canadiananalyst 时间: 2011-9-17 04:56
Business model & strategy always matter
如果你认为高盛还是亚洲上市的冠军,你就大错了。In investment banking & PWM,高盛现在都不是最大的,原因就是战略和商业模式。这里太敏感,不多说了。但是战略和商业模式真的是太重要了。“上兵伐谋”,有道理。
Market savvy: Danny
He gave us three “open-meetings” to grill us about the market knowledge.
The difficult part about “being market savvy” is that I have to memorize an ever changing financial market’s data and news. Unlike history or other industries, all the data, indexes and news are changing everyday in Finance, and the same number will be outdated the same time tomorrow.
This is somehow like chasing your own shadow: it moves when you move. However, looking at Danny’s tough request on “market savvy” reminds me of how little Chinese entrepreneurs know about their own company, whose information is either static or does not change much.
Even if you just try to impress people, the fact that you can remember all the key information just out of your head is very impressive and helpful. That gives clients and colleagues lots of trust and confidence.
Now I request my partners and employees to be savvy about all the information related to our business, and they have to be able to talk more professionally than any competitors.
Starve for success: Rickie & Angel
What can I say? The best performers are those who are always hungry and are never satisfied.
Re-define professionalism: Vicky W.
我问一个VP,让她告诉我,从她的observation当中看,成功的VP和不成功的VP通常有什么区别?What did the successful VPs do right and the not-so-successful ones do differently?
Tenacity and methodology: Movie Wall street & Rudolf
China Team最成功的一个VP之一是一个外国人,讲得一口流利的中文。看到他每天cold call和发prospect letter, 我重新又 认识了什么叫做pitch skills和tenacity。见了一个外国人写的prospect letter,那个用词的当,有理有节,我是真的佩服佩服。
Lesson from Mark Schwin
Leave for the meeting and don’t wait for the person who is late。有机会和一个合伙人一起吃早饭,他impress我的一个故事是,如果约好了一起去开会或者见客户,比如约好9点钟在门口见面,他学到的lesson是,等到9:02有一个人还不来,坚决不要再等。不要顾及面子,clients’ interests always come first。
Life is not all about money: Jason Huang
投行里面不乏很多high achiever和go getter,但是money driven的人通常burned out也比较快。Jason是最成功的一个副总裁之一,也是我学到最多东西的一个VP。赚钱不是人生的全部,他给我讲了他的很多的故事,每一个我都很感动。从家庭到宗教信仰,到他的每一个career move,从年少轻狂到现在的沉稳,我看到了很多很多我可以学习的地方。
他最后和我分享的一个故事:每个人有很多个“面”,也有很多个 “life”。一个全面发展的人才能成功,也才可以long term succeed。那么这么多life中,人首先要有professional life:职业无疑是一个重要的life,他让我们不要把梦想埋葬在对金钱的追逐之中,而是要做自己真正喜欢的事情。另外一个life就是family life,无论是父母和爱人,自己都有很多责任和义务要履行,in return,我们也从家庭中得到很多。通常,我们能从家庭得到的永远比我们付出的要多。人还要有自己的 “hobby”, “sports life”等等。
Sell with conviction & empathy (Jason Moo & Jason Huang)
If you don’t believe in the products/services you are selling, your clients won’t buy in it either. They need confirmation and assurance from you. Selling with confidence, conviction is important.
You should be one of those blocks作者: mamuka12 时间: 2011-9-17 05:07