标题: Pass Your CFA Exams On The First Try [打印本页] 作者: pacmandefense 时间: 2012-6-6 09:37 标题: Pass Your CFA Exams On The First Try
Overall, the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation is a daunting challenge, and the odds of success from start to finish are slim; less than 20% of those who begin this challenge reach the end. However, as one in five candidates has demonstrated, it is possible.
There is no secret code to navigating through the CFA program and passing the test, but an organized, disciplined approach will help you pass each level of the program and ultimately achieve your goal. Find out what you'll need to make the cut and pass each level on your first try.
The CFA Program
Before we get into the nitty gritty, it's important to understand what the whole program entails. The Chartered Financial Analyst program, offered by the CFA Institute in Charlottesville, Virginia, is designed to teach those in the investment profession a "candidate body of knowledge" (CBOK). The CBOK tests candidates on ethics, quantitative analysis, financial statement analysis, economics, portfolio analysis, corporate finance, and the analysis of stocks, bonds and alternative investments. (To learn more about this designation before jumping in with both feet, see What Does "CFA" Mean?and Finding Your Place In The Financial Industry.)
It consists of three levels, each of which culminate in a brutal six-hour exam. The first exam is administered both in the late spring or late fall, and level 2 and 3 exams are offered only in the late spring. After passing all three levels of the exam, each CFA candidate who has four years of professional investment experience is eligible to receive the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Are you up for the challenge? The keys to success are to get organized, develop an effective study program and review.
Key No.1: Get Organized
Once you've made the decision to sit for the upcoming CFA exam, you need to develop a course of action. Here are some tips:
Start early. The CFA Institute estimates that at least 250 hours of independent study is necessary to pass each exam. In other words, a candidate starting six months before exam day should plan to devote no less than 10 hours a week to studying.
Preview the material before starting. After registering for each level, you will receive a curriculum that is divided into about 18 study sessions. Broadly preview each session to determine your familiarity with each topic. (Check out our Exam Prep page for a quick review of the CFA exam.)
Develop a game plan. Get out your calendar and determine which weeks you will be studying which sections. Plot this on Excel, Outlook or a similar schedule-making program. Schedule your studying so that you finish with all the sections at least one month before the exam, so you can review. Also, schedule in review days as you go along.
Select a review course. In no way should a review course substitute for studying the material. However, a good review course can augment your study program by clarifying or pinpointing concepts you may be having trouble with. The key is to pick only one course, so that you can spend more time focusing on the CBOK.
Key No.2: Develop an Effective Study Program
An effective study program will make the difference between passing and failing. To develop an effective program, consider the following:
[url=]Study[/url] all "learning outcome statements" (LOS). The CFA Institute defines LOS as "knowledge, skills and abilities that you should be able to apply after completing a reading and all associated exercises and problems." To master each LOS, develop an outline and write down any important terms, definitions and formulas relating to each one. You'll be more likely to remember these points later if you take time to write them down as you come across them.
Use flash cards. Homemade flash cards are an effective way to master the material. Flash cards are portable, much lighter than carrying the entire CFA curriculum with you and can be quickly reviewed while commuting to work, during a lunch break, etc.
Use memory techniques. Mnemonic devices, such as taking the first letter of each word in a concept to spell one word, are helpful. There are other tricks, such as catchy slogans. For example, "SiP a CoKe" can be used to remind you of option put-call parity: The prices of a Stock + the Put = those of the Call + the present value of the striKe price.Also, don't fail to take the value of auditory memory cues into account.
Study quantitative and qualitative material differently. When studying quantitative material, working on problems is important. First study the concept, then learn by doing these problems over and over again. Once you understand how to solve a problem, return to the material for further understanding. Read qualitative subjects, such as ethics or behavioral finance before working on any problems. Approach these readings as if you were enjoying a good book. Many ethical problems are scenario-based and easy to read.
Work through as many practice questions as you can. Use the curriculum provided by the CFA Institute to show which problems you must work on. Enhance your studying by working on additional problems from reputable exam preparation providers.
Use your approved calculator. Part of the challenge in passing the CFA exams is the ability to answer questions in a short period of time. Practicing with the calculator you will use on exam day will allow you to achieve the greatest efficiency.
Stay motivated. Focus on why you are earning your CFA charter and how you will reward yourself after you take the exam.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy meals, sleep right, avoid excessive alcohol or caffeine, and remember to exercise. People who are healthy are better learners.
Key No.3: Review
Hopefully, you've been reviewing the material as you progress. However, you will still need a solid month to review the material again once you have gone through all the sessions. Do not take this part of the study process lightly.
Here are some helpful tips for your review stage:
Finish early. Finish covering all materials at least one month before the exam.
Use practice tools. Tools like CDs or online exams are available to assess your strengths and weaknesses. Find out where you need to build on your strengths and practice in areas where you are weak.
Work problems offline. Do your work like you would on the day of the exam – with a calculator and pencil in hand.
Take practice exams. Take these beginning on a Saturday several weeks before exam day and try to replicate the actual testing environment as much as possible. Time yourself and allow no interruptions. This will allow you to become used to writing two three-hour exams in one day. You might also want to invest in a set of good ear plugs; these will come in handy during the actual exam.
Do a test run. The Saturday before the exam, drive down to where you will be taking the test and check out the site. Determine where you will park and the quickest way to get from there to the exam room.
Make time for yourself. If possible, take off the week before the exam. This will allow time for your final review, and reduce stress levels before the exam. Stay at home, study the material and allow no interruptions.
Sleep tight. Take it easy the night before. Lightly review the material, brush up on weak spots and eat a nice dinner. Pack a lunch for the next day to eat during your two-hour break. Also remember to pack your calculator, pencils, erasers, required medications, exam ticket, photo ID and ear plugs. Get to bed at a decent time.
EXAM DAY. Wake up early and eat a good breakfast. Go over some broad concepts. Start with ones that are easy for you; then work a few problems. Don't go into the exam cold. Leave the house in plenty of time to get to the exam.
Take (and pass) the exam. Relax and take a few deep breaths. Avoid talking with others about the exam. If you see someone you want to talk to, try not to talk about the exam. This will only stress you out and hurt your performance.
If you're a candidate in the CFA program or are planning to register, you need to plan in order to succeed. Organize your material, study effectively and review. In this way, you should be well on your way to passing each level of the CFA program on your first try.