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标题: 澳洲农业/食品项目可供投资或收购 [打印本页]

作者: youberry    时间: 2012-7-28 11:38     标题: 澳洲农业/食品项目可供投资或收购

现有一批澳洲农业或食品项目可供投资或收购,具体介绍见下文。如果您有兴趣,请发电邮到 。电邮标题注明“澳洲农业”,电邮中请简要介绍贵司的业务。

1. New Large Scale Integrated Dairy and Milk Powder Operation (新型大规模综合乳牛与奶粉场)

- 40,000 ha of prime agricultural cropping land and rights to 56,000 ML of water per annum
- On completion, the company will have some 14,000 head of dairy cattle and a world-class powdered milk factory capable of producing some 32,000 tonnes of whole milk powder
- On Year 4 (establishment) of operation, company expects revenue of A$154M and EBIT of A$64M
- Business owners are seeking an equity subscription of A$50M for a 40% interest

2. Water and Land Investment (农业产业化经营投资)

- Strategic investments in land, water rights and farm managers across Australia
- Australian company looking for total investment of A$100M, with a minimum of A$250K per investor
- Expects to give 8-16% capital growth and cash dividend of 4-5% per year

3. Leading Food Ingredients Group(食品配料集团)

- Established business brand with over 100 years of history
- Group is built within three key verticals of food ingredients, equipment and gelato
- Significant interests in China and India
- The business is for sale at A$18.5M
- Gross revenue of A$37M and EBIT of A$3.7M in 2011/12

4. Meat Processing and Wholesale Business (肉类加工与批发行业)

- Business owned and operated by current management for 40 years
- Meat processing with abattoir facilities
- Wholesale supplies to independent butchers
- Business includes freehold land and buildings totalling 27 acres
- Business owners like to sell the business for A$3-4M
- Revenue of A$21M and EBIT of A$575K in 2011/12

5. Highly Successful Continental Restaurant (高端欧式餐厅)

- Restaurant established for over 40 years and has earned iconic status in Sydney
- Open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner and has a bar and waiting area upstairs
- Owned by current owners since 2000 and business is run under management
- The restaurant is up for sale for A$1-1.2M
- Gross revenue of A$2.5M and EBIT of A$360K in 2011/12

6. Wheat Farms (小麦农场)

(1) 14,000 acre wheat farm producing 10,000 tonnes of wheat per year.
Owners looking for new investment offers of A$35M
(2) 3,716 acre wheat farm with annual yield of 3,000—3,500 tonnes of wheat. Owners looking for investment offers of A$7-8M  

7. Fish Farm (渔场)

- Start-up stage of a large scale aquaculture project which plans to export very large number of coral reef fish to China
- Company seeking a Chinese investor for A$25M for a minority stake and to help build up sales in China

8. NZ Wine Online(网上销售新西兰葡萄酒)

- Company is a dedicated single source of hundreds of NZ wine labels in Australia
- Online ordering with delivery within 3-4 days
- Popular NZ Wine Club for regular NZ wine drinkers
- Business established for 3 years only but fast growing revenue and EBIT
- Company is also interested in rolling out NZ made wines to China
- Business owners are looking for new capital investment of A$300-500K
- This investment will suit a new business migrant

9. Food Additives Company (食品添加剂公司)

- A company supplying a range of food additives to some of Australian’s best known food manufacturers is seeking to raise A$32M for a minority stake

10. Food Processing Companies (食品加工企业)

- Three large, successful family-owned food processing companies seeking investments of between A$20M and A$200M.
- Established businesses but current owners need funds to expand overseas particularly into China

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