me too , all ips are < 50%,so frustrated!I think essay questions in mainland is not like the former questions provide by Institute at all, those are much easier.what do u think?作者: dateki 时间: 2012-8-8 12:59
The following are some general tips for Level I11 candidates on the essay exam:
The published guideline answers on past essay exams are more complete and better written than actual exam answers that receive full credit.
The published guideline answers may not reflect all alternative approaches to the question that received full or partial credit.
Answers are graded only on content. They are not graded for language and style.
Use shortphrases and bulletpoints to save time, but be sure your meaning is clear.
Handwriting is rarely so poor that the answer cannot be graded.
Points are awarded for direct answers to a question.
No points are awarded for general knowledge that is not responsive to the question.
Do not spend too much time writing an answer. This is particularly tempting when you know the topic well. Formulate a direct response to the command words, and use the amount of time allotted.
You should expect to encounter questions that you will not be able to answer correctly. There is a great deal of material to master and exam questions are challenging. Standard setters and the Board of Governors (at all three levels) take account of exam difficulty in setting Minimum Passing Scores.
The following are coinmon reasons that graders give for poor candidate performance on the essay portioil of the Level 111:
Not responsive to command word list (list, define, etc.).
Answered a question they wish they had been asked instead of the question that was asked.
No work shown on a calculation question and the answer is incorrect.
Hedged on questions that asked for a recommendation and justification (e.g., recommeilded A, but justified B).
Neglected to answer part of the question (especially if a several part question).
Note that you can still answer part E, even if you do not know the answer to part D.
Content area experts spent too much time on their area of expertise, leaving too little time for weak areas.
Providing more items or responses than requested. If a question asks for three factors, only the first three that you list will be graded.
Immediately after each subpart that requires a template answer, you will find a statement with the page number of the template. For example: "Answer Question 2-B in the Template provided on page 12."
Make sure you familiarize yourself with the essay exam question formats so that you don't overlook any part of a question. Use the templates to provide your answers in
an efficient manner.
Calculate: To ascertain or determine by mathematical processes.
Characterize: To describe the essential character or quality of.
Criticize: To consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly; to find fault
Describe: To transmit a mental image, an impression, or an understanding of the nature
and characteristics of.
Determine: To come to a decision as the result of investigation or reasoning; to settle or
decide by choice among alternatives or possibilities.
Explain: To give the meaning or significance of; to provide an understanding of; to give
the reason for or cause of.
Formulate: To put into a systematized statement or expression; to prepare according to a
Give: To yield or furnish as a product, consequence, or effect; to offer for the
consideration, acceptance, or use of another.
Identify: To establish the identity of; to show or prove the sameness of.
Judge: To form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of
Justify: To prove or show to be valid, sound, or conforming to fact or reason; to
furnish grounds or evidence for.
Prepare: To put into written form; to draw up.
Recommend: To bring forward as being fit or worthy; to indicate as being one’s choice for
something or as otherwise having one’s approval or support.
Select: To choose from a number or group–usually, by fitness, excellence, or other
distinguishing feature.
Show: To set forth in a statement, account, or description; to make evident or clear.
Support: To provide with verification, corroboration, or substantiation.作者: s010143 时间: 2012-8-9 15:37