我10月2日报的名,为什么到今天都还没有收到UPS tracking number?到CFA协会的网站上去查,Order History里的status显示为complete,但是邮箱里即没有收到CFA协会的通知,也没有收到UPS的通知,已经发了两封电邮给CFA协会,可只收到CFA协会的系统回复邮件。
我24号报名的,一直没收到tracking number,10月2号写信过去问,4号给我答复,说是14个工作日能收到书,很抱歉我没有收到shipping confirmation.刚才去查,还是没tracking number。我又写信过去问了,看看什么时候给我答复
Thank you for your e-mail. Currently the website states "order has not been shipped" for all orders regardless of whether they have been shipped or not. We are working on activating the online tracking feature, and we hope to have it enabled soon. Unfortunately, due to these system delays, I am unable to provide you with a tracking number at this time. Please note, a shipment confirmation e-mail will be sent once the package has shipped. This e-mail will include the tracking number. 下面是我在网站上申请了service inquiry以后给我的答复~ Thank you for contacting us. Please allow 7-14 business days from the date of enrollment for delivery. Customs fees may be required for international customers. Your tracking number is forthcoming. 可是我也没收到shipment confirmation e-mail都16天了···好多人两天就收到confirmation了···郁闷[em06]
Unfortunately, due to these system delays, I am unable to provide you with a tracking number at this time. Please note, a shipment confirmation e-mail will be sent once the package has shipped. This e-mail will include the tracking number.
下面是我在网站上申请了service inquiry以后给我的答复~
Thank you for contacting us. Please allow 7-14 business days from the date of enrollment for delivery. Customs fees may be required for international customers. Your tracking number is forthcoming.
可是我也没收到shipment confirmation e-mail都16天了···好多人两天就收到confirmation了···郁闷[em06]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-11 8:52:56编辑过]
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