点击:June 2008 CFA exam admission tickets. 输入报名考试时的User Name 和 Password 登录,点击“
I agree”即可在线打印。
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以下是考场规定:Before accessing your exam admission ticket you must read and agree to the following:
You are required, without exception, to adhere to all published testing policies and follow all instructions announced on exam day.
You are strongly encouraged to visit your test center before exam day.
Directions and special instructions are available for most test centers. It is your responsibility to read and understand all information about your test center. Many local CFA Institute member societies
host events at the test center or after the exam.
There are two sessions:
Morning session: 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Afternoon session: 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.You must attend both sessions or your exam will not be graded and you will not receive results. You must report to the test center one hour before each session. Instructions will be read before the exam begins and are not repeated for candidates who arrive late. Candidates will not be admitted into the testing room while the instructions are being read.
The following items must remain on your desk at all times. No exceptions will be made to these rules:
1. Exam Admission Ticket:
You will not be permitted to enter the testing room without a valid ticket. Print one copy of your admission ticket on clean, unused paper and bring it with you to the test center on exam day.
2. Identification:
Your identification must meet all of the following criteria:
1) Be current and valid ? it cannot be expired.
2) Contain your photo.
3) Be issued by a government agency.
4) Be a single document (not a combination of two or more pieces of identification, such as an expired photo driver's license with a separate renewal certificate).
5) Be an original document. Photocopies of identification documents will not be accepted. You will not be permitted to sit for the exam with an invalid identification. Use of invalid identification will result in CFA Institute voiding your exam results.
The CFA Institute preferred form of identification is a valid passport.
3. Calculator: You may use only the Texas Instruments
BAII Plus (including the BAII Plus Professional) and/or
the Hewlett Packard 12C or 12C Platinum during the exam. No other calculators are permitted. Use of an unauthorized calculator will result in CFA Institute voiding your exam results and may lead to suspension or termination of your candidacy in the CFA 

rogram. Calculator covers are permitted in the testing room. The Texas Instruments BAII Plus cover contains a keystroke card; the Hewlett Packard 12C has keystrokes printed on the back of the calculator. You may refer to these keystroke instructions during the exam. Loose batteries (no packaging) are permitted in the testing room; however, CFA Institute advises you to place fresh batteries in your calculator on the day before the exam. You may keep a small screwdriver with you if necessary to replace batteries in the BAII 

lus. Instruction manuals are not permitted in the testing room.
4. Writing Instruments:
You must bring your own writing instruments on exam day; testing personnel will not provide these to candidates. You must dispose of any packaging before entering the testing room. All candidates must bring sharpened number two or HB pencils and Level III candidates (June exam only) must also bring pens (with blue or black ink) for the essay portion of the exam. Pencil sharpeners will not be provided at the test center.
The following items may be kept on your desk, if needed: calculator batteries (and screwdriver for battery replacement), earplugs, erasers, eyeglasses, pencil sharpeners (no knives), and wristwatches (analog and digital) are acceptable; however, audible alarms and/or audible timers must be turned off.
The following items are permitted in the testing room but must remain in your pockets or under your chair when not in use: wallet (money purse), medicine, tissues, and other necessary medical or personal items.
The following items are not permitted in the testing room: food and drinks; baggage of any kind, including transparent bags, backpacks, handbags, tote bags, briefcases, luggage, carrying cases, or pencil cases; study materials, including notes, papers, textbooks, or study guides; scratch paper, present/future value tables, or calculator manuals; highlighters, correction fluid, correction tape, or rulers; knives of any type, including box cutter and X-ACTO
? knives for use as pencil sharpeners; BlackBerrys
?, cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, pagers, headsets, computers, electronic organizers, personal data assistants, or any other remote communication or photographic devices; any type of desk clock or timer.
Proctors and security personnel may ask to inspect your belongings at check-in to ensure that prohibited items are not carried into the testing room. Please comply with these requests.
You are bound by the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct (Code and Standards). To comply with the Code and Standards during the exam administration process, you must conduct yourself in a respectful and dignified manner and adhere to published
testing policies, proctors’ verbal instructions, and the
candidate pledge printed on each morning session exam book or answer sheet. It is important that you remember to read and sign the pledge. Failure to sign will prevent release of your exam results. Rules have been disseminated in various formats, including registration information, the
CFA Candidate Newsletter, and the website. Failure to follow any of the CFA Institute published rules will result in cancellation of your scores and may lead to disciplinary sanction:
You must not: bring prohibited personal belongings into the testing room; speak to anyone other than a proctor during the exam; glance or look at another candidate’s exam or give the appearance of doing so; continue to write or erase after time is called; open the exam book until instructed to do so by the proctor; write on anything other than your exam book or answer sheet, including your exam admission ticket; remove exam materials from the testing room; leave the testing room during the final 30 minutes of the exams except for brief toilet breaks; exit and re-enter the building during the exams, except during the lunch break; create a disturbance; fail to follow the directions of testing personnel.
You must:
bring only one copy of your admission ticket printed on clean, unused paper to the test center; give your exam materials and photo identification to the proctor before leaving the testing room for brief toilet breaks; remain seated at the conclusion of the exams until all materials have been collected and reconciled.