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标题: Reading 25: Dreaming With BRICs: The Path to 2050 -LOS c~ [打印本页]

作者: mayanfang1    时间: 2009-1-7 10:33     标题: [2009] Session 7 -Reading 25: Dreaming With BRICs: The Path to 2050 -LOS c~

Q1. Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between technological advances, exchange rates, and economic

    output (in U.S. dollars) in emerging markets? Emerging countries currently utilize:

A)   low amounts of technology but output will increase as more is used due in part to appreciating currencies.

B)   low amounts of technology but output will increase as more is used. However, depreciating currencies will detract from growth.

C)   normal amounts of technology but output will increase as more is used due in part to appreciating currencies.

Q2. In which of the following BRIC countries is technological progress projected to be weaker?

A)   Russia and Brazil.

B)   Brazil and India.

C)   Russia and China.

Q3. Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between technological advances, exchange rates, and economic

   output (in U.S. dollars) in BRIC countries?

A)   Technological progress results in depreciating currencies and technological progress in Russia may lag that of Brazil, due in part to a weaker infrastructure.

B)   Technological progress results in appreciating currencies and technological progress in Russia may lag that of Brazil, due in part to a weaker infrastructure.

C)   Technological progress results in appreciating currencies and technological progress in Brazil may lag that of Russia, due in part to a weaker infrastructure.

Q4. Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between technological progress, the growth in capital stock, and

    economic output in the BRIC countries?

A)   Both technological progress and the growth in capital stock can have a large impact on economic growth.

B)   The growth in capital stock can have a large impact on economic growth but technological progress is less important for economic growth.

C)   Technological progress can have a large impact on economic growth but the growth in capital stock is less important for economic growth.

作者: mayanfang1    时间: 2009-1-7 10:34


Q1. Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between technological advances, exchange rates, and economic

    output (in U.S. dollars) in emerging markets? Emerging countries currently utilize:

A)   low amounts of technology but output will increase as more is used due in part to appreciating currencies.

B)   low amounts of technology but output will increase as more is used. However, depreciating currencies will detract from growth.

C)   normal amounts of technology but output will increase as more is used due in part to appreciating currencies.

Correct answer is A)

The rate of technological progress in emerging countries will eventually catch up to that in developed countries. Stronger technological progress should result in higher economic growth and a stronger currency. When measured in U.S. dollars, economic growth in developing countries will increase as a result of both growth itself and an appreciating currency.

Q2. In which of the following BRIC countries is technological progress projected to be weaker?

A)   Russia and Brazil.

B)   Brazil and India.

C)   Russia and China.

Correct answer is B)

In Brazil and India, technological progress is projected to be weaker than in China and Russia over the next 20 years because of a less educated workforce and a weaker infrastructure. Eventually though, technological progress in Brazil and India should converge to that in the developed world.

Q3. Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between technological advances, exchange rates, and economic

   output (in U.S. dollars) in BRIC countries?

A)   Technological progress results in depreciating currencies and technological progress in Russia may lag that of Brazil, due in part to a weaker infrastructure.

B)   Technological progress results in appreciating currencies and technological progress in Russia may lag that of Brazil, due in part to a weaker infrastructure.

C)   Technological progress results in appreciating currencies and technological progress in Brazil may lag that of Russia, due in part to a weaker infrastructure.

Correct answer is C)

Stronger technological progress should result in higher economic growth and a stronger currency. In Brazil and India, technological progress is projected to be weaker than in China and Russia over the next 20 years because of a less educated workforce and a weaker infrastructure.

Q4. Which of the following best characterizes the relationship between technological progress, the growth in capital stock, and

    economic output in the BRIC countries?

A)   Both technological progress and the growth in capital stock can have a large impact on economic growth.

B)   The growth in capital stock can have a large impact on economic growth but technological progress is less important for economic growth.

C)   Technological progress can have a large impact on economic growth but the growth in capital stock is less important for economic growth.

Correct answer is C)

Changes in technological progress can have a large impact on economic growth. The growth in capital stock is less important for economic growth than technological progress but does have an impact on economic growth. Reducing the projected growth in capital stock by 5% would reduce GDP levels by 13% in the BRIC countries in 2050.

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作者: bjcqkjgs7    时间: 2012-9-19 13:41     标题: ATP荧光检测仪PD-10N PD-10N荧光检测仪13911619321

LuciPac W试剂是一种模仿自然界的萤火虫发光原理而设计,检测ATP和AMP生物发光的试剂 手持ATP荧光检测仪BioLum-II。通过酶(虫荧光素-荧光素酶)作用,从细菌和食物残留中检测出ATP和AMP。作用机理是通过荧光素酶的作用以及消耗ATP可以使虫荧光素转变成AMP、氧合虫荧光素、以及二氧化碳。试剂含有一种可以耐受清洁剂、杀菌剂等干扰物质的专利技术酶,有专利保护,其他公司没有此项技术。这种酶可以使试剂免受清洗剂等的干扰而产生较低的检测结果。
配套PD-10N检测仪的LuciPac W试剂可以现场即时监测卫生状况,在10秒之内得到检测结果, 这种检测方法补充了HACCP过程的预先控制体系,快速的检测结果可以帮助使用者立刻采取补救措施。
PD-10N结合超敏感、使用方便以及低成本的LuciPac w试剂,可以快速检测出表面卫生状况。
1.具有专利保护的ATP/AMP循环检测技术, 增加了检测的敏感性和稳定性。
2.耐清洁剂酶 手持ATP荧光检测仪BioLum-II。清洁剂等物质的残留不会对检测产生抑制作用
4.LuciPac W测试棒稳定性好,操作简单。
检 测 限:  10-15 摩尔/ATP
检测时间:  10秒
数据输出:  RLU(相关光度值)
储藏空间:  1200个数据
显示方式:  LCD
计算机连接:RS-232C /USB
打 印 机:  外置(可选)
电    源:  2节1.5V碱性电池
仪器尺寸:  80x 203 x 50 mm
重    量:  280克(无电池)

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