上一主题:true or false
下一主题:any sales or acct managers out there?
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I submitted my work experience in mid-July hoping to beat the rush. Unbeknownst to me they rejected some of it "needing more detail." Worst part is that I was not notified that my work experience was rejected, all this time I thought it was still under review.

I resubmitted as soon as I found out and was told it would be like 8 weeks until they got to it.

Not looking for a job or anything so I am not in a major rush, but it is irritating that they have no process to inform you that they need more detail, so for anyone under review, I would advise that you check status and click on the link to see details of your review.


上一主题:true or false
下一主题:any sales or acct managers out there?