上一主题:All those for publishing an answer sheet
下一主题:I might miss the exam - what can I do?
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Don't Worry, Be Happy

I just want to say good luck to everyone. I think we are all worried about the exam, but make sure to maintain a positive attitude and you will do fine.

On a side note: to anyone taking the exam in Chicago, I will be the cool guy wearing a Huskers t-shirt. December 4th is the Big 12 Championship, and as long as we beat Texas A&M this weekend we should clinch the Big 12 North! I'll be driving up from Lincoln, NE on Thursday - please no snow - and I can't wait to see Chicago!

So don't worry guys and gals, you'll do great!

Go Big Red!

上一主题:All those for publishing an answer sheet
下一主题:I might miss the exam - what can I do?