上一主题:Fixed Income Attribution
下一主题:IPS Return Calc: Add or Multiply?
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I also think note-taking is useless. When I failed in 2009, I created about 100 pages of really good notes. I may share them with the forum when I get around to it. In addition to the notes, I had about 2 months of review/questions time after I went through the material. I reviewed my notes a lot. It didn't matter.

In 2010, I barely looked at the notes I made. I only read a few examples that I wrote into my notes a couple times. I think coming from a non-finance background requires that you simply be exposed to the material more. So going for it one more time will just get you a natural fluency with the material that will help next year.


上一主题:Fixed Income Attribution
下一主题:IPS Return Calc: Add or Multiply?