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Forgot to sign the test sheet

I think I forgot to sign the test sheet in the PM , although I cannot remember for certain. I am certain I entered the test center code and the date, but not certain about the signature. Would this void the exam?

hueler, Enjoy some time to yourself. Level two is a beast. If you're planning to write it in June and confident you passed, I'd be ordering the next set of books. Otherwise, enjoy it while you can.





"good personality ... or he was known as Lt. Mandingo during his army days."


Dude I want to hug you . You took a great load off my mind . Now I see why I didn't remember . It wasn't there!

Thank you very much for clarifying ( and so promptly). You are my hero


No problem, but I'm not a dude

Just surfing AF since I don't know what to do now that all my books are sitting in a corner..


上一主题:Additional Depreciation
下一主题:Equity: SPE and RI