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CFA sample exams (not free mock exam)

is it worth it?

Those scientists better check their hypotenuses, dude!

hmmmm just got a 58% on the second. not happy with it.


I agree, Exam 1 was tough, the ethics section was awful (I scored just 50% on that, 63% total). The second one was a lot easier, I got 77% on that one. They're not worth it though, they only tell you what the right answer was and not why the others were not correct, unless of course, they use the same questions in D-Day and then it certainly will be!


Sample exam one is simply ridiculous. It is not something you want to try this close to exam day.


Marlow Wrote:
> Then yes, it is worth it, just know in advance
> that Sample Exam 1 is ridiculous and Sample Exam 2
> is probably a better a gauge (at least more
> similar to the free mock exam).

Marlow, when you say exam 1 is "ridiculous", do you mean it's riddled with errors or just harder?


Then yes, it is worth it, just know in advance that Sample Exam 1 is ridiculous and Sample Exam 2 is probably a better a gauge (at least more similar to the free mock exam).


i like to know which way the wind is blowing


Do you really want to ruin your confidence?

