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Call my odds...

Hi All,

I humbly ask your opinion on my course of action for this final week.

I have been scoring about 50% on the practice tests...not good.

My question is, if I go "ALL IN", is there anyway of raising this to a 60-70% level by Saturday?

('ALL IN' = about 45hours of mocks/studying before Saturday-- The quality of study is a bit questionable at this intensity though)

Or, should I be content with a 50% range after 4 months of studying, take the exam, but then plan on being better prepared when retaking Level 1 this December?

I know nothing is impossible, but if it's extremely UNlikely that I have any chance for June, I would rather save myself the stress of studying 45 hours over the next 6 days.

The only thing I don't like about the Dec11 exam is that studying for Level II in only 4-5 months might be unrealistic for me-- I wasn't a business/finance major, but I work at an investment firm and see this program as a great tool. Heck, I've learned a lot either way.

Thanks for taking the time to read,

all you need to pass? I was under the impression that each testing, the decision on passing was on some type of function involving amount of writers, average, etc.......


From 50% to 70% in a week? Realistically I bet you will fail. But you will have very high chance passing next exam and you can do it without putting yourself under extreme stress since you already know most of the stuffs.

Whether you pass or not, Lev2 is in June anyway.


Thank you all! I appreciate the feedback and hope to post some good news here in the near future!


Focus on structuring your study around the mock exams (schweser, elan, cfai, whatever). I found that taking exams gave me a good idea of the kind of questions that come on the exam. While everything is examinable, some topics are more examinable than the others.
Eg. Simple duration questions in Fixed Income feature in every mock I have taken. Easy points there. Similarly, there are easy points to be had in every topic area if you notice which kind of questions are repeated in all the different mocks. Just a tip.

P.S. Don't worry bru, I've seen my mock score go from nix to 75% last week based on test-based study. While this strategy is far from perfect, it is certainly useful as a crash course. You can certainly do it. Best of luck!


I think you should be OK.. concentrate on your weak areas, and ethics. Dont spend too much time on the rest..

