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[2008]Topic 70: The Report of the Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group


AIM 1: Identify the similarities across past major financial shocks.

1、Which of the following is NOT one of the three traits common to past major financial shocks?

A) Reliance on overly complex pricing models. 

B) A lack of market liquidity. 

C) A sharp decline in asset prices due to a triggering event. 

D) Leverage concerns.

北京最专业的特大幅面全开菲林输出公司 最大全开菲林输出尺寸1.50米X3.00米 联系人:张鹏 手机:15801015815 本全开菲林输出公司位于北京市国贸CBD商业区,拥有可输出幅面1.50米X3.00米胶片 的激光照排机两台、扫描精度可高达2400-3600DPI。 重复对位精度可达±10UM。客户遍布北京、河北、浙江、上海、江苏、广东、山东、 福建等全国各地。 我们的服务优势:

        1、硬件设施好:我司采用瑞士先进电子技术,菲林输出网点圆实,平网均匀,渐变平滑, 输出效果可与网屏5055相媲美,输出幅面特大。

        2、技术积累深:公司技术员从业长达四年,在特大幅面输出上有着深厚功底,能处理QUARK EXPRESS 等国内广告业十分陌生的软件。 在胶印上,由于我们成功的解决了大包装用小菲林拼接有线条、尺寸有一定的误差的难题,省却 了手工拼接菲林这样费时易出错的工作,也省却了给最终客户就线条问题解释半天的麻烦事情, 保持最终用于晒版的菲林非常干净,将使贵公司的印刷质量和效率进一步提高,从而大大加强贵 公司在业界的竞争力。我们能根据包装印刷的特点,熟练把握专色、四色等印刷要求,特别是一 些重要部位如叠印、镂空、压印等处理,通过与贵公司设计师沟通,确保优质菲林的输出。 在丝印上,传统彩色丝网印刷的分色网版制作,尤其是遇到超大型网印时,无非是采用手工菲林 拼版,放大菲林或投晒网版。手工拼接菲林,难以保证不露拼接痕迹,并且尺寸有一定误差,并 且易出差错。放大菲林及投晒网版,由于受像距、镜头球面等客观因素的制约,易造成网点大小 不匀,边缘网点不全等,使网版质量难以控制,给丝网印刷造成很多麻烦。我们通过大量试验, 不仅给丝印公司解决了拼版有细线,放大时候网点大小不匀等问题,省却了计算像距、手工刮网 点的麻烦事情,而且还通过多次与丝印公司沟通,成功地在菲林输出之前就解决了丝印龟纹现象, 将使贵公司的印刷质量和效率进一步提高。

        3、公司自备发电机,电力紧张时也能正常工作,从而保证生产运行;24小时不间断营业, 每个班次都配专业出片师、检查人员,确保胶片质量。

        联系人:张鹏 手机:15801015815




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5、Which of the following risks is most likely to be greater when selling a complex product to a retail investor instead of an institutional investor?

A) Liquidity risk. 

B) Reputational risk.  

C) Legal risk.  

D) Credit risk. 



The correct answer is B


Selling complex products to retail investors increases the potential for reputational risks. Retail investors are generally less sophisticated than institutional investors and may not fully understand the risks involved with a complex product. Retail investors who buy a product that “blows up” are more likely to blame the selling institution, thus damaging its reputation. Note that other risks may also increase, but reputational risk is the biggest factor that changes when dealing with retail investors.



AIM 4: List and discuss supervisory challenges identified by the CRMPG.

1、The supervisory challenges identified by the CRMPG II are designed to:

A) encourage the creation of rules to govern potential contingencies a firm may face. 

B) foster a balance between rules that protect clients and ones that prevent them from achieving their financial goals.

C) eliminate overlap between financial statement and regulatory accounting.

D) create clear lines of demarcation between regulatory jurisdictions.



The correct answer is B


One of the key tenets of the four supervisory challenges identified by the CRMPG II is to balance the responsibilities of institutions and clients so that regulations do not impede the ability of an institution to meet a client’s financial goals. Other tenets encourage a principle-based supervisory approach as opposed to a rules approach and encourage uniform accounting practices as well as coordination among regulators in different jurisdictions.



3、The use of straight-through processing (STP) of over-the-counter derivatives transactions is expected to:

decrease risk in the financial markets.

integrate the trading, reporting, and control functions.

require increased manual processing of transaction and confirmation processing.

A) I, II, and III. 

B) II and III only. 

C) I and II only. 

D) II only.



The correct answer is C


The use of STP integrates trading, reporting, and control functions, and includes the replacement of outdated manual systems with automated trade and confirmation matching. It should ultimately reduce market-wide risk by enabling firms to improve their management of trading volume, reducing trade disputes, increasing netting capabilities, and eliminating redundant operations.

