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Bartend!Loyalty or not? Schweser Practice Exam 3 Q3!

it is clear that if you take a competitive position against your current work, definitely disclose to ur employer. but how is position like bartend or volunteer who doesnot involve investment function?

Conflict of interest comes in because
even when you are in a voluntary position, you are in a position of responsibility and are earning some kind of knowledge by being in that position. By being in a voluntary position you also have access to information which may create conflicts of interest (such as not-for-profit organizations vying for projects/investments/donations from different companies).


It is not competing , and the employer shold not mind , no need to report it. However if the employer wants to do 40 hours a week , and you can only do 25 since you’re tired after working 30 hour weeks bartending , then you are depriving your employer of your service plus . That’s where there could be a conflict of interest

