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Reading 5: The Glenarm Company LOS b - Q1-3

Q1. Glenarm Case Study (Refer to CFA Institute's Standards of Practice Casebook for details.)

Peter Sherman, CFA, has recently joined Glenarm Company after spending 5 years at Pearl Investment Management. He is responsible for identifying potential Latin American investments. Previously, Sherman held jobs as consultant for many Latin American companies and had plans to continue such consulting jobs without disclosing anything to Glenarm.

After resigning, but before leaving his employment at Pearl, Sherman had encouraged Pearl customers to move their accounts to Glenarm. He contacted accounts Pearl had been soliciting for business. He also contacted potential clients that Pearl had rejected in the past as too small or incompatible with the firm's business. Furthermore, he convinced several of Pearl's clients and prospects to hire Glenarm after he joined the company. He also identified materials from Pearl to take with him, such as:

1.       sample marketing presentations he had prepared

2.       computer program models for stock selection

3.       research materials on companies he had been following

4.       a list of companies recommended by Sherman for potential investment, but which were rejected by Pearl

5.       news articles for potential research ideas

Under the obligation to act in the best interest of the employer while still an employee, Sherman's actions constitute the following violations except:

A)   solicitation of potential clients of Pearl--violation of Standard IV(A).

B)   leaving Pearl to join a possible competitor--violation of Standard IV(A), Loyalty to Employer.

C)   solicitation of clients while still employed by Pearl--violation of Standard IV(A).

Q2. Glenarm Case Study (Refer to CFA Institute Standards of Practice Casebook for details.)

Peter Sherman, CFA, has recently joined Glenarm Company after spending 5 years at Pearl Investment Management. He is responsible for identifying potential Latin American investments. Previously, Sherman held jobs as a consultant for many Latin American companies and had plans to continue such consulting jobs without disclosing anything to Glenarm.

After resigning, but before leaving his employment at Pearl, Sherman had encouraged Pearl customers to move their accounts to Glenarm. He contacted accounts Pearl had been soliciting for business. He also contacted potential clients that Pearl had rejected in the past as too small or incompatible with the firm's business. Furthermore, he convinced several of Pearl's clients and prospects to hire Glenarm after he joined Glenarm. He also identified materials from Pearl to take with him, such as,

1.       sample marketing presentations he had prepared,

2.       computer program models for stock selection,

3.       research materials on companies he had been following,

4.       a list of companies recommended by Sherman for potential investment which were rejected by Pearl,

5.       news articles for potential research ideas.

Which of the following statements concerning Sherman's actions is TRUE?

A)   Sherman did not violate any Standard by taking away the news articles from his previous employer, Pearl, for potential research ideas.

B)   Sherman did not violate Standard IV(A) by soliciting clients that were rejected by Pearl either because they were too small or unsuitable as long as winning their business did not adversely affect Pearl.

C)   Sherman did not violate Standard IV(A) since members can engage in independent consulting practice as long as their employer policy does not specifically prohibit it.

Q3. Sherman's attempt to lure away clients from Pearl while he was still employed at Pearl is:

A)   not a violation of Standard V(A) because it was conducted "after hours" on Sherman's own time.

B)   a violation of Standard IV(A) because it undermined Pearl's business and its profit opportunities and caused damage to Pearl's business.

C)   not a violation of Standard IV(A) because they would have followed Sherman to his new firm anyway, and no harm to Pearl was done as a result.

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  深圳晚报讯 (记者 方舟) 2011年12月31日,老特拉福德全场齐唱诞辰歌,这一天是弗格森爵士的七十大寿。访问的布莱克本此前英超垫底,这样的日子,面对这样的对手,曼联居然2比3输了球。
  无奈曼联蹩脚的防线让贝巴的尽力付之东流,时时彩论坛,第80分钟,布莱克本再次当先。终场哨响起之前,曼联本有机遇扳平比分,幽默的是,菲尔・琼斯那脚在混战中的射门眼看就要破门,时时彩平台,成果被躺在门线上的队友威廉・基恩挡出,  ssqlive /。此时此刻,终场还唱着生日歌的曼联球迷发出阵阵嘘声。

















