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Forgot to sign the test sheet

I think I forgot to sign the test sheet in the PM , although I cannot remember for certain. I am certain I entered the test center code and the date, but not certain about the signature. Would this void the exam?

Dude I want to hug you . You took a great load off my mind . Now I see why I didn't remember . It wasn't there!

Thank you very much for clarifying ( and so promptly). You are my hero


No problem, but I'm not a dude

Just surfing AF since I don't know what to do now that all my books are sitting in a corner..





"good personality ... or he was known as Lt. Mandingo during his army days."


hueler, Enjoy some time to yourself. Level two is a beast. If you're planning to write it in June and confident you passed, I'd be ordering the next set of books. Otherwise, enjoy it while you can.

