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Time management in exam

Hey guys Im having problems with time management while taking mocks. Does anybody have any tips to fasten up working through the exam? Ive heard the CFA exam isn't very calculations laden. Do you have more time then to complete the CFA exam rather than mocks from Schweser, BSAS, Elan and etc?

Thanks guys

If you're spending more than a minute or so on a question then mark it & move on. That's why you're taking practice tests- to improve your knowledge & time. Maybe get out of your comfort zone a little bit & speed it up. Are you having trouble reading/understanding the questions or doing the actual calculations?


Well I only took my first mocks today (BSAS) and found it pretty hard to finish. There were alot of concepts on FRA I need to shape up on as I believe I was challenged for time here. I think the more mocks I do over the next 2 weeks the more probability i will experience similar questions on the real exam and will be able to do it faster.


I'm having similar issues .. I took an ETEN Cfa live mock today .. I couldn't finish the morning( had 3 questions left) and the afternoon (2 Questions left). There were quite a few calculations on the exam though and the font size on the question paper was way too small.

This has me worried when I read that some of the others in this forum finish tests in less than 2.5 Hours..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 10:30AM by adq123.


The font size is fine on actual exam .no problem reading the questions.the actual exam is not very calculation intensive. Its more conceptual. Time is not much of an issue if you are prepared. Do the cfai mock and you will understand the format and the language.


And there are no extra marks for completing the exam in 2.5 hours or less. CFAI has allotted 3 hours.use every minute. if you finish before time check your answers for mistakes.don't pay attention to what others are doing.focus only on your paper.

