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Qbank for L3

....is pretty much a joke I must say. I'll play around with this thing for about a week, but after that Im shutting it down.

Pop it on advanced questions only. There are some decent vignettes if the EOCs aren't enough.


Here's my strategy for QBank which worked for LII.

1. Print out all the questions and answers.
2. Go through every question. Somtimes I skip certain vinettes as they're tedious.
3. The questions I get right I put a checkmark by.
4. The questions I get wrong I put an X by.
5. After going through all the questions I go back and only look and the X questions.
6. If I get it wrong again I put a XX
7. Go through all the XX questions.

Keep in mind these all QUALITATIVE questions that don't take a long time to do. I don't mind the easy questions as I would be able to answer it quickly and put a checkmark by it never to be looked at again.


Why not do the CFA sample exams and old questions? Then, you can do one of the tests on Book 6 to test your retention and time management. Good luck!


thepinkman Wrote:
> Here's my strategy for QBank which worked for LII.
> 1. Print out all the questions and answers.
> 2. Go through every question. Somtimes I skip
> certain vinettes as they're tedious.
> 3. The questions I get right I put a checkmark
> by.
> 4. The questions I get wrong I put an X by.
> 5. After going through all the questions I go
> back and only look and the X questions.
> 6. If I get it wrong again I put a XX
> 7. Go through all the XX questions.
> Keep in mind these all QUALITATIVE questions that
> don't take a long time to do. I don't mind the
> easy questions as I would be able to answer it
> quickly and put a checkmark by it never to be
> looked at again.

I like this strategy for the month of April, but Im not looking at these things in May during crunch time. They are not representative of what will be on the test.


^ Exactly. This is my April strategy. That's why I'm going crazy trying to finish all the material so I can get started. I'm halfway through book 4 right now. In May I'm going to go through the practice exams and the "X" and "XX" questions. At least that's the plan.

