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BA2 plus question

On page 106 pg of the Schweser 1 book: the FV of an annuity question i get:
4597.06 whereas the schweser example comes back with 3769. How do i get my calculator out of screw up the answer mode? As you can tell im new to using it! Note it isnt in BGN.
Thanks guys

try doing a 2nd CLR TVM (above the FV) button before you punch in the various numbers for your calculation.
Most likely issue is that you have some prior TVM calculation  stored in your calculator.


always do 2nd RESET ENTER..
Which resets your calculator… its the safetst way…
The above also ll work…


if you do a RESET ENTER – you lose the # of decimal places, which goes back to the default value of 2.


thanks alot guys. that cleared up the issue. silly question i know.

