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我第一次报CFA,缴纳了注册费和考试费,信中提到了 Written ,是需要纸制的信件吗?  写电子邮件可以么? 谁写过,给我一个示例,谢谢!


14 March 2012



Re:       CFA Study andExamination Program Enrollment

I am writing to you on behalf of the ProfessionalConduct Program at CFA Institute.  This letter is to inform you that CFAInstitute has denied your application to become a candidate in the CFA® Studyand Examination Program.  

We note the disclosure you made in response toquestion #4 on the Professional Conduct Inquiry which asks:

4. Convictions:  

In the last five years, have you been convicted of acrime punishable by less than one year in prison or jail (or otherwise definedas a misdemeanor) involving lying, cheating, stealing or other dishonestconduct?

Have you ever been convicted of a crime punishable byone year or more in prison or jail (or otherwise defined as a felony)?

In accordance with the CFA Institute Board ofGovernors’ established policy regarding criteria for admission into the CFAProgram, the conduct disclosed by you on the Professional Conduct Inquiry formdisqualifies you from participation in the December 2012 CFA Study andExamination Program.  

If you have reason to believe there are exceptional orunusual circumstances that warrant further review of your enrollment by the ProfessionalConduct Program, you may submit an appeal of the denial decision. If you chooseto submit an appeal, it must be submitted in writing and received by thePCP within twenty (20) days from the date of thisletter.   Please refer to the attached “CFA Program Applicants AppealQ & A” for more information regarding the appeal process.  

If the PCP does not receive a written appealof the denial decision within twenty (20) days of the date of this letter (by 3April 2012), the denial of your CFA Program enrollment will be final and youwill have waived all rights to further review of the matter by the PCP. The appropriate application fee will be returned to you.  

You may reapply to the CFA Program when you have nodisclosures (no “yes” responses) to the eight questions contained on theProfessional Conduct Inquiry form.  

Thank you for your interest in the program.


Beth Waddell

Professional Conduct Program

CFA Institute


CFA Program Applicants Appeal Q& A

Question: What if my“yes” response to one or more of the Professional Conduct Inquiry questions was
an error?
Answer: You shouldsubmit a letter or email to the Professional Conduct Program (PCP) attestingthat the  “yes” response(s) was an error. Uponreceipt of your letter/email, the PCP will re-review your       enrollment form.

Question: How long do Ihave to submit an appeal of the denial of my enrollment?Answer: The PCP must receive your written appeal withintwenty (20) days of the date on the letter        notifyingyou of the denial. If your written appeal of the denial decision is notreceived within
20 days, the denial of your enrollmentwill be final.

Question: Can I submitmy appeal to the PCP by email?Answer: Yes. You may submit your appeal
By mail:ProfessionalConduct ProgramCFAInstitute560 Ray C. Hunt Drive PO Box 3668 Charlottesville, VA 22903 USA
Byfacsimile transmission:1-434.951.5450
Byemail: pcprogram@cfainstitute.org

Question: Who willreview my appeal?Answer: Your appealwill be reviewed by a senior PCP staff member and the CFA Institute
Designated Officer.

Question:   What are mychances of winning an appeal?Answer: As the factsof each disclosure are different it is difficult to predict the likelihood anenrollment will    be accepted. Inevaluating an appeal, the PCP and Designated Officer will maintain the strict   standards of admission – your appeal will bedenied – unless the PCP staff member andthe    Designated Officer have a strongbelief that the conduct should not prevent participation in the
CFA Program.  

Question: Will the PCPconduct an investigation into my conduct? Answer:No. Aninvestigation will not be conducted.It will be your burden to provide sufficient information        that the conduct should not prevent yourparticipation in the CFA Program.  

Question:If I submit an appeal, how long before I find outwhether I am allowed to participate in the CFA    Program?Answer:The PCP will provide a written determination on the appeal within thirty(30) days of receipt.
Question:If the PCP denies my appeal and doesn’t allow me toparticipate in the CFA Program, can I submit        moreinformation and have my appeal re-reviewed?Answer:  No. ThePCP’s determination is final. After a determination is issued by the PCP, therewill be no   opportunity for you to submitfurther information or petitions related to the enrollment decision.       However, the denial of your enrollmentdoes not preclude you from re-enrolling for a future CFA   exam when you meet the professional conductcriteria. You may also re-enroll for a future CFA     exam and submit a new appeal.

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