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CFA level 1 on resume?

I recently went to a job interview and I told the interviewer I was really interested in the finance field, and planned to take the CFA lvl 1.

And he asked "Are you really gong to take the CFA lvl 1?"

And I told tell him yes, I even sold my bike for the cfa registration.
The reason I think he asked was because I didn't put it down in my resume. But based on stuff I've read online elsewhere, a lot of people give the general impression that putting down Candidate for lvl 1 CFA is a big NO sign for employers. I carry the same sentiment because being a level 1 candidate doesn't mean squat, anybody can sign up and be a level 1 candidate.

In my belief I don't feel like its a testament of anything until you at least pass the exam.
But the interview has thrown me askew in my beliefs, is my type of thinking incorrect?

TL;DR: Should I put CFA lvl 1 candidate on resume?

Putting college on your resume is different than putting down "CFA level 1 candidate"

Majoring in finance:
You have to get ACCEPTED into college/major
You're following a set track (You are also measured in increments of your course work with letter grades)
Higher % of graduating and getting your degree (b/c of second reason)
Greater investment($) means more incentive to succeed

and if you're putting it on your resume:
You probably applying to jobs and have already have relevant course work COMPLETED

CFA lvl 1 candidate:
Anybody can be a CFA level 1 canididate (4th year in college)
No set track( study on your own)
Listing on your resume is (potentially)detrimental b/c of no set track)
Putting it on your resume makes you liable to any interview questions regarding to the CFA, especially if you signed up for the Dec test and aren't familiar with the material

I understand where you are coming from skycfa. But when putting things on a resume, I feel you're suppose to list accomplishments of things done, or working to complete. Putting down the intent to take the CFA lvl 1 candidate is the same to me as putting down registered to take the GMAT.

I guess I'm just stubborn haha

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 02:35AM by alee247.


A resume lists things that are relevant to an employer so that he/she can 1) get interested enough to call you for an interview, and 2) have enough info to start a conversation or set of questions when you show up for the interview.

If you remember that, well, then, of course you should have CFA L1 Candidate on your resume.

Where people go wrong is to expect that this will massively change the level of interest and number of interviews/offers they should expect. It's an incremental thing. A positive increment, but ultimately just an increment.

When I was a L1 candidate, people did ask me what I thought about the material and if I liked it and found it interesting/challenging, etc.. So it did affect the interview process in a positive way.


Totally agree with the maestro Bchad...and I will pass Level III on June for because I am a TOKER!


Thanks for your input bchadwick, that was very insightful. Looks like it's time to punch it down in my resume


You should definitely put level I candidate on your resume, especially if you are looking for junior level poitions. Obviously nobody is going to think you are a financial wizard because of it, but it shows that you've at least somewhat thought through what career you want to pursue and what steps you need to take to get there versus just randomly sending out resumes to job openings you found online. At the very least, it was always brought up as a topic of coversation (how is studying going? what do you think of the material? it stinks you can't enjoy memorial day weekend, etc) in every interview I went on when I was a level I candidate.

But more imporantly, you sold your bike for this? Are we talking like a harley, or a basket and a bell on the handlebars?


How about CFA L0? Can I put that on my resume?


I agree, you should put on your resume that you are a level 1 candidate. Just don't make any implications that you are some hot shot for signing up for it.

The guy should know that the CFA is a big deal, though, and how hard it is to pass. It shows sincerity on your part to become a financial professional and shows a work ethic and self initiative on your part.

Doesn't matter if they're impressed by it. What is 100% certain is that if someone thinks of being a level 1 candidate as a "big NO", then you probably don't want to work for them in the first place as the guy is most likely a huge idiot.


Putting it on your resume will never hurt you.




Take a look at the job market....the majority of entry level positions have a requirement of ENROLMENT IN CA/CMA/CFA DESIGNATION....so having stating that you are sitting for the CFA level 1 exam shows you are atleast taking part in the designation....

employers probably have a filtering process done electronically, and if they require the words CFA on a resume, atleast yours will pass the first screening....

