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Risk premium for food industry (private venture)

Good morning,

I do realize for a complete answer I would need to disclose many more of the variables. I am just trying to get a vague idea of what compensation (spread) should be required to invest in a private venture related to the food industry. Someone is starting their food business, needs to raise $$$ by issuing some debt. Any idea if there are 'standard' spreads depending on industry type? This is of course some giant like MCD or Kraft, just an individual needing to raise about $1Mil.

Thank you.

souper kind...as in bisque? crabs... you kn----ahhh nevermind


Super kind of you. Will send e-mail now.


You might want to get your hands on a copy of Ibbotson's Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation which outlines the historical risk premia for various industries. If you can't find a copy, send me a note at c.sandstedt at proforums.com and I will send you some data from a version I have that is a couple years old.

