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What tasks should I give the incoming intern?

I have a new intern this week. He has little investment background, and is building up on his investment knowledge. None of my current work is passable down to him, and I don't want him to sit there and do nothing. Need suggestions on some investment-related tasks that I can hand down to him to give him a good foundation?

Give him to analyse/appraise a company/asset.
Set the frame for him to allocate max N days and provide the arguments on max 2 pages.
Tell them to do their best.

My interns loved this kind of assignments.


bodhisattva Wrote:
> ASSet_MANagement Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Send them to Tiajuana with 1/8 of tequila and
> 30
> > Pesos.
> >
> > Say if they don't come back with two mamacitas,
> a
> > chimichanga and a donkey that they won't get a
> FT
> > offer
> Sh*t son you make that sound hard..
> As for the reading idea, I think that would be the
> best learning experience for the both of you.

Gotta start em off small so they feel like they're doing something useful.

ha ha ha

ChickenTikka Wrote:
> Being Born Wealthy > Being Jewish or WASPY > Born
> Pretty > Top 5 MBA > CFA > Avg MBA > Born middle
> class > Born lower class > Born in crack house >
> Born middleclass in Asia and working in IT but
> looking to switch to buyside


ASSet_MANagement Wrote:
> Send them to Tiajuana with 1/8 of tequila and 30
> Pesos.
> Say if they don't come back with two mamacitas, a
> chimichanga and a donkey that they won't get a FT
> offer

Sh*t son you make that sound hard..

As for the reading idea, I think that would be the best learning experience for the both of you.


Send them to Tiajuana with 1/8 of tequila and 30 Pesos.

Say if they don't come back with two mamacitas, a chimichanga and a donkey that they won't get a FT offer

ChickenTikka Wrote:
> Being Born Wealthy > Being Jewish or WASPY > Born
> Pretty > Top 5 MBA > CFA > Avg MBA > Born middle
> class > Born lower class > Born in crack house >
> Born middleclass in Asia and working in IT but
> looking to switch to buyside

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 05:38PM by ASSet_MANagement.


crease123, can you give us an idea of what your role and tasks are... it's easier to think of things with a context like that. No need for identifying details, just give us a general idea...


I agree with the book/newsletter assignments. At his current level of knowledge, that is probably the most beneficial in helping him establishing a framework of thought. In fact, when we were introduced 2 weeks ago, I gave him a couple of books to read up, so that will be a good start.

Beyond reading, what other assignments do you think I should give him? Some thoughts of mine is maybe developing a spreadsheet of historic macroeconomic indicators (global and domestic), finding out the correlation of the various sectors and markets, and writing up on the issues pressuring growth in North America, Europe, Asia, etc.


I like some of the ideas (the serious ones) that we've heard, but I think I'd honestly just give a few reading assignments. I think Seth Klarman did that with his interns - he'd just tell them to read books and they'd discuss them once or twice a week over lunch. I would give the intern probably 20 or so books with the assignment to read them and then discuss with me as they went through. Yeah, I'm serious.

Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.


Send him to Yonkers raceway with $1,000 and see how much he comes back with.


Depends on what you do, what kind of information you regularly look at.

How about teach him how one of your models works, then ask him to learn VBA or something and try to improve it so that it takes less work to update?

