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Channeling Patrick Bateman are we?


Missed the original story and have a quick question.

You said that they are killing her Level 2 candidacy for this year, with no refunds. If she was signed up for the test, therefore being a candidate, what was wrong with her stating the candidacy on her resume? Was the resume written before she signed up for the test?

iteracom Wrote:
> CFAI is killing her candidacy for L2 this year, no
> refunds obviously. I don't have exact details of
> the suspension.. it may actually be termination.
> But her resume online is also updated
> it went from: CFA Level 2 Candidate
> Now: Passed L1 on the first attempt <- Anyone
> else think this is lame??


From what I gather: Initially, she said she was a L3 candidate while in reality, she was only a L2 candidate. After she was reported and received the warning from CFAI police team 1, she changed her resume to say she was a L2 candidate. After being suspended by CFAI police team 2, she changed her resume to say that she passed L1.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, March 28, 2011 at 12:13PM by ohai.


She's got to ham up passing L1 on the first attempt (assuming even that is true), because that may be all she may ever be able to do with CFA related stuff.


Thank you ohai. Odd story... why would anyone do that? You have to know better.

ohai Wrote:
> From what I gather: Initially, she said she was a
> L3 candidate while in reality, she was only a L2
> candidate. After she was reported and received the
> warning from CFAI police team 1, she changed her
> resume to say she was a L2 candidate. After being
> suspended by CFAI police team 2, she changed her
> resume to say that she passed L1.


richardbchilds Wrote:
> Thank you ohai. Odd story... why would anyone do
> that? You have to know better.
> ohai Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > From what I gather: Initially, she said she was
> a
> > L3 candidate while in reality, she was only a
> L2
> > candidate. After she was reported and received
> the
> > warning from CFAI police team 1, she changed
> her
> > resume to say she was a L2 candidate. After
> being
> > suspended by CFAI police team 2, she changed
> her
> > resume to say that she passed L1.

You'd be surprised how unethical and/or clueless and/or lazy some people are in real life... just check the level 1 forum and count the 'Hey can I skip X section of the CFA?', threads there are come less than one month before the exam.

