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Got approval from CFAI in 6 business days

Just went to website and found out I got CFAI approval all my 64m expereince. My last sponsor finished review on Sept 4, and got approved already. That was so quick. Now I have to wait local society (Toronto). Does local society ever reject work exp enough it's approved by CFAI? Does anyone know how long it'll take at local society? Thank you.

6 business days!! sweeeeeeet!

my sponsor review finished this morning so let's see how long this takes...
hoping the Toronto chapter has short turnaround times....*one can wish right..*


I had the CFAI approve all my experience, but the local society is now asking for more details on one of them.

I think both the CFAI and the local society looks at and have to approve the experience.


Got work approval from CFAI today as well. Hilarious, they rejected all of my capital markets experience (need more info) but I still had enough to be approved for full membership (squeaked in by 3 months!).


more than your 6 days at the CFAI, most likely



