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I strongly believe that must be the cas, given the ridiculous bunch of crap I just received from CFAI.

It seems I'm under investigation due to suspected cheating during the exam, which of course is totally false. The explanation from the bright proctor who sent the report is full of empty statements like:

"At XX:XX I notized the candidate looking up frequently": Soooo!!!??

"From XX:XX to XX:XX (around 15 minutes) I observed the frequency of the can looking up and scanning the room looking toward (at least he doesn't say "to")" can XX", the one on my front left. I was lightly shifted to the left precisely because the space between my row and the one on my right was very narrow and didn't want to take any chances of the proctors thinking I was looking to the guy on my right.

"At XX:XX the can made eye contact with me for 5 seconds". maybe I was thinking why the f were you staring at me.

"From XX:XX to XX:XX (like 10 minutes) can XX shifted his body 7 times". Well, the chairs where horrible, I was nervous... what the @#$%&!!?

"At XX:XX can XX (the one on my left) took a bathroom break and <me> looked to his sheet as the proctor took it. I can't tell if the answers were visible". Really!? I guess somebody moving by my side just got my attention, so what? Besides, why didn't you asked the other proctor if the answers were visible?? Which woouldn't be my fault, anyways. And I don't even remember if there was someboby on my left. I also wonder how he can tell whether I was looking precisely at the sheet from a 20 feet distance.

At least he says he only saw me looking at that candidate (wasn't it the sheet in the proctor's hands??) when he went to the bathroom. The rest of the time I supposedly looked toward the seat on my left front. I would like to know how am I supposed to look at the guy's sheet from behind and a nearly 3 meters distance. By the way, I'm myopic and wouldn't be able to see the answers even if he was holding the sheet in the air for me.

The funny thing is that everything happened during am session. It seems that the proctor got laid during lunch break and stopped being a dick, or that I magically learned a lot and didn't need to cheat anymore.

By the way, nobody approached me during the exam. This letter is the first notice I got.

Now it seems that I have one month to defend myself against this @#$%&, and I don't really know what to say. It's my word against that of a bored proctor, I obviously don't remember every move I did during that time and there's little I can say besides I din't do anything wrong.

Does any of you ever received something like this? any advise?

It's unfair and ridiculous enough just having to defend one's self against such empty accusations, but if I get suspended or punished in any way for this I will kill somebody... And of course CFAI and all it's designations can burn in hell.

maybe the proctor thinks by reporting everything remotely suspicious, he can add it to his resume and find a real full time job.


why would you just get this letter kid? the exam was over 4 weeks ago?


wake2000 Wrote:
> why would you just get this letter kid?

That's exactly what I think...


Wow-I've never heard of such a thing happening before.

The truth is, none of this proves you cheated. The burden of proof is on them and this is circumstantial evidence at best. I would think if the proctor really suspected you cheated he would have confronted you in the exam, but he couldn't. What is the procedure for defending yourself? I would answer each point like you did here, in a little nicer tone.

By the way, shifting in your seat seven times is not unusual. I'm only about 5' 6" and the low seats, combined with the high table, in my test center meant that my test was not at in a comfortable position. Also the chairs are such garbage that the rocked from side to side, so shifting in ones seat was inevitable.

Good luck. You should beat this with no problem


Did you get it by mail or email? I dont think this makes sense at all :/ its really weird.. i mean they didnt mention anything about not looking at proctors, unless if u stare enough at a certain proctor then ull get to know the answers? i dont think it makes sense at all ..


just an over zealous protocor. did the protocor warn u? i strongly believe that if a candiate is trying to cheat, the protocor gives a warning. if the protocor didnt warn u, y didnt he do so...this case is weak. good luck


Bilal Wrote:
> Did you get it by mail or email? I dont think this
> makes sense at all :/ its really weird.. i mean
> they didnt mention anything about not looking at
> proctors, unless if u stare enough at a certain
> proctor then ull get to know the answers? i dont
> think it makes sense at all ..

where did you sit for the exam if u dont mind me asking ..


GPM Wrote:
> Wow-I've never heard of such a thing happening
> before.
> The truth is, none of this proves you cheated. The
> burden of proof is on them and this is
> circumstantial evidence at best. I would think if
> the proctor really suspected you cheated he would
> have confronted you in the exam, but he couldn't.
> What is the procedure for defending yourself? I
> would answer each point like you did here, in a
> little nicer tone.
> By the way, shifting in your seat seven times is
> not unusual. I'm only about 5' 6" and the low
> seats, combined with the high table, in my test
> center meant that my test was not at in a
> comfortable position. Also the chairs are such
> garbage that the rocked from side to side, so
> shifting in ones seat was inevitable.
> Good luck. You should beat this with no problem

Thank you.

Now I have 30 days to write a response to CFAI. Apparently there's no form or standardized text. Some 20 pages about "Rules for Procedure of Professional Conduct" where enclosed with the letter and the "explanations" by the proctor. The letter just says about the 30 days period to response. I'm not at home and my girlfriend e-mailed me just the letter from CFAI and the crap from the proctor. I will take a look at the rest when I get home this weekend to see if it says anything else.

I guess I will just copy the entire text by the proctor and comment what I can every few lines. What I have put here is basically it. There's nothing more than a map of the exam room indicating where I was sitting and where the proctor was standing.

Believe me, if I had had to write my response yesterday, when I received the letter, I could have get suspended, but certainly not for being a cheater. Now, after carefully reading it (multiple times) and letting other people read it (everybody thought it was some kind of joke) I'm more relaxed, though still wanting to set that guy in fire.


On a brighter note, maybe this means you passed. If you hadn't they might not have bothered following-up on such a flimsy report.

I think at the end of the day you'll get a letter dismissing it but saying something like they say in the instructions--cheating is a very serious offense, you shouldn't cheat or give the appearance of cheating, blah blah.

